Want your baby to become more intelligent and add five more nutrients

00:08, February 22, 2018 Hualong
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Every parent wants his or her baby to be smart and healthy. In addition to the child's own development, parents can also give the baby some food that will help the child's brain grow and develop. So, what nutrients can help your baby grow smarter? Let's study together.

   1、 Antioxidants can protect the brain

Free radicals will increase with age, and flowing free radicals will decompose brain cells in the blood. Antioxidants can fight against the damage caused by free radicals, so you can usually supplement food containing antioxidants.

Nutritional ingredients: whole grains, tomatoes, spinach, grapes, cauliflower, carrots, strawberries, blueberries, garlic, beans and other fresh fruits and vegetables.

   2、 Healthy fat can strengthen the brain

When the brain is self repairing, recovering and updating, it needs a lot of Omega-3 assistance. Because this process will consume a lot of fatty acids, it must be properly supplemented to make the brain cell structure more consolidated.

Nutritional ingredients: herring, salmon, sardines, sturgeon, gray trout, tuna, salmon, tuna, flaxseed oil, rapeseed oil, wheat germ, eggs, oils and nuts, etc.

   3、 Tyrosine stimulates the brain

Some neurotransmitter precursors in the brain depend on tryptophan or tyrosine to increase neurotransmitters; In short, tyrosine can promote people's sensitivity and concentration, effectively fight against the emotional level of high tension, reduce stress perception caused by tension, and improve physical strength and cognitive situation.

Nutritional ingredients: eggs, beans, seafood, dairy products, etc.

   4、 Dietary fiber can adjust brain energy

Blood sugar can effectively help the brain's energy operation, and stabilizing blood sugar is mainly through the help of dietary fiber. Therefore, more dietary fiber can maintain the stability of blood sugar, and it is also beneficial to the brain functional system.

Nutritional food materials: beans, nuts, whole wheat grains, vegetables and fruits, etc., all contain quite rich dietary fiber, which can be replenished at ordinary times.

   5、 Minerals and vitamins can build the brain

Vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium and other substances are all necessary ingredients for the main composition of the brain. Without these essential nutrients, the brain's learning ability will be reduced, so minerals and vitamins are indispensable.

Nutritional ingredients: vegetables and fruits, seafood, dairy products, beans, etc. In fact, as long as you have a balanced diet, you can get a lot of minerals and vitamins.

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