Experts Remind Children of Common Diseases in Winter

06:30, December 12, 2017 Xinhua
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With the advent of winter, children's diseases such as colds, fever and diarrhea frequently occur, and some hospitals have ushered in a peak of small patients. Experts remind that when children are ill, it is a common mistake to feed adult drugs to children, abuse antipyretic drugs, and take drugs together with fruit juice and sugar water, which requires vigilance.

Professor Xiong Wan, the director of the outpatient department of the Children's Hospital affiliated to Chongqing Medical University, said that children are in the growth stage, the nervous system, endocrine system and many organs are not well developed, and the kidney, liver detoxification, detoxification function and blood brain barrier function are not perfect. When taking drugs, the physiological characteristics of children should be considered, and adult drugs should not be given to children at will.

"Children specific drugs are more suitable for children in terms of pathology and taste. If some drugs do not have child specific dosage forms, doctors should also be asked to judge whether they can be used for children," Xiong Wan said.

When children take capsule medicine, they should not peel off their clothes at will. "Drugs that use capsules generally contain powders and particles that will stimulate the esophagus and stomach mucosa. Drugs that have a bad taste, are easy to volatilize, are easy to be decomposed by saliva in the mouth, and are easy to breathe into the trachea will also be wrapped in capsules." Xiong Wan said that drug capsules are used to protect drug properties from being damaged, and also to protect digestive organs and respiratory tract. Therefore, children should swallow the whole capsule without peeling it.

In addition, some parents often take medicine together with fruit juice and sugar water to make their children take medicine smoothly or to cover up the bitterness of medicine, which is also unscientific.

"Most fruit juice contains vitamin C and fruit acid, which will cause some drugs to decompose or dissolve in advance, which is not conducive to the absorption of drugs in the small intestine. Sugar water, especially brown sugar water, contains more iron, calcium and other elements and impurities. Once combined with the protein and tannin in the liquid medicine, chemical reactions will occur. For example, grapefruit juice, orange juice and apple juice will inhibit the efficacy of some anti allergic drugs and anti infective drugs. " Xiong Wan suggested that children should use warm boiled water to take medicine, and the interval between taking medicine, drinking fruit juice and eating fruit should be more than 1 hour. Xinhua News Agency, Chongqing, December 6, by wire (reporter Li Song)

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