Do you still make 8 mistakes in feeding baby medicine

07:55, November 16, 2017 Hualong
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There are three kinds of poisons in medicine, but the baby has to take medicine when he is ill. The consequences can be very serious if the parents use the medicine carelessly or incorrectly, so the parents must not take it lightly. Today, we introduce 8 common wrong practices when feeding babies. Parents should quickly check whether they have fallen into the wrong areas of drug feeding.

1. Hold the baby's nose and force the medicine. Babies are afraid of hardship, especially the bad smell of Chinese medicine always makes them not open their mouth. Some mothers have no choice but to hold the baby's nose and force it down after hard grinding the soft bubbles. This way is easy for the baby to choke the medicine into the respiratory tract and suffocate. In the event of such a danger, parents should take emergency measures immediately, embrace the baby's abdomen with both hands, make its back close to your abdomen, squeeze the baby's abdomen with force, and make it bend over several times to eliminate foreign bodies in the airway. If it is invalid, send it to the hospital immediately.

2. Dry swallow pills for your baby. Generally, the medicine is taken by drinking water, but some mothers see that the baby has drunk the water, but the pills are still in the mouth, so they ask the baby to swallow the pills. Dry swallowed tablets are not in the mouth, but they are easy to stay in the digestive tract and damage the digestive tract mucosa. Therefore, it is better to drink water and take medicine. If the baby can't swallow the pills with water, it needs more attention from his mother. It's really difficult. You can also crush the pills into small pieces to help your baby swallow.

3. Cheating your baby about the taste of medicine is like candy. Moms try their best to make your baby take medicine. They usually coax her to say that the taste of pills is as sweet as candy. Although the baby usually knows that the mother is deceitful after eating it, after all, some children's medicine will really cater to the child's taste and add sweetness. But this white lie can easily lead babies to mistakenly think that medicine and sugar are the same concept, and mistakenly think that medicine is sugar and eat indiscriminately.

4. Every family has a small medicine box to increase or decrease the dosage at will. Most of the time, parents act as "doctors" to dispense medicine to their babies. But some parents are eager to get better. They think that increasing the dosage of medicine can make the disease recover as soon as possible, so they blindly increase the dosage of medicine to the baby. The greater the dosage, the greater the toxic and side effects, which may lead to acute or cumulative drug poisoning; However, some parents often change other drugs when they see no effect after a few days of medication, which not only makes it difficult to obtain the desired effect, but also makes the body resistant to drugs and adverse reactions, making the treatment more complicated. Some parents also give their babies medicines at will. It doesn't matter if they think about it and forget it. As a result, not only the curative effect is not good, but also bacteria are prone to drug resistance and drug resistance. These are all things that parents should be vigilant to avoid.

5. Take the medicine for too long. The baby has a cold. The mother thinks it is a trivial matter, so she finds her own medicine to give the baby to eat. After taking it for several days, it seems that her condition has not improved. In this case, you should stop taking some medicine if you haven't improved for two or three days. It is likely that the baby's illness is not as simple as it seems. You should take him to see a doctor as soon as possible. Otherwise, it may delay the effective treatment period or make the disease worse.

6. The blind use of antipyretic drugs in neonates and infants is more prone to fever, which is because the temperature regulation function of neonates and infants is not perfect, and the signs of fever can also appear when the ambient temperature changes or the water is insufficient. However, parents should not feed the baby antipyretic drugs because of this. Some antipyretic drugs such as aspirin, paediatric antipyretic tablets, APC, etc. are prohibited for newborns. The best way to deal with infant fever is to take physical cooling to reduce fever and drink more water, such as opening the bag to expose limbs, scrubbing the neck, palms of hands and feet, pillow cold water bag, etc. with alcohol concentration not more than 30%. The baby with high fever should be sent to the hospital immediately and take medicine according to the doctor's instructions.

7. Unauthorized sharing of prescription drugs may be caused by different reasons for conditions that appear to have the same symptoms. Even if the same baby has the same disease as before, before giving the baby the same prescription drugs, you should also ask the doctor to check, tell the doctor about the drugs you have on hand, and let him make a judgment. Therefore, parents should not share drugs without authorization due to temporary laziness.

8. Some syrup drugs should be shaken well before taking if they are not taken according to instructions; Some alkaline drugs cannot be taken with fruit juice at the same time, because the fruit juice contains acidic substances, which can make many drugs decompose in advance, or make the sugar coating dissolve in advance. Neutralization of acid and alkali will greatly reduce the drug property; Don't use milk to take medicine for your baby... Parents should know these principles in advance. If you don't take medicine according to the instructions, it will affect the drug efficacy.

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