In summer, children often have nosebleeds or their nasal passages are too dry

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Due to the hot weather in summer, many children have experience of nosebleed, which is considered by many parents as a sign of "getting angry". Is nosebleeds really caused by fire? Experts said that in summer, children's nosebleeds were mostly caused by the dry nasal cavity caused by often staying in the air-conditioned room. In addition, children could not help rubbing and picking their noses, which could easily break the capillaries. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the air humidity in the air-conditioned room. If necessary, it can also be prevented by smearing moisturizing cream in the children's nasal cavity.

   Frequent nosebleed and dry nose

Ten year old Xiao Liang has been entangled by "nosebleed" in recent days. His mother took him to the hospital and found that it was the dry nasal cavity that caused the trouble. "There are quite a few children like Xiao Liang who like nosebleeds in summer. Most of them are caused by the dry air in the air-conditioned room." Chen Fengmin, deputy chief physician of pediatrics of Henan Provincial People's Hospital, said that because the capillaries in children's nasal cavity are more fragile than adults, they are more prone to nosebleeds. Children with chronic rhinitis and allergic rhinitis frequently go into and out of the air-conditioned room. The alternation of cold and hot will cause itching in the nose. They will be unable to resist rubbing and picking, which is more likely to break the capillaries and cause bleeding.

   Fill the nose with water Don't turn the air conditioner temperature too low

Chen Fengmin said that in summer, we should prevent and reduce children's nosebleed. In addition to correcting the bad habits of picking and rubbing the nose that damage the nasal mucosa, we should also pay attention to keeping the children's nasal cavity moist.

When children enter the air-conditioned room, it is best to take some humidification measures, such as using a humidifier, placing a water basin, etc., to avoid too dry indoor air. Before the child goes to bed at night, you can also apply some nourishing ointment, such as vitamin E ointment, etc., in the nasal cavity of the child. In addition, you can also apply some cod liver oil.

   "Head up" and "paper block" hemostasis is not recommended

First class nosebleed, many people's first reaction is to raise their heads. In fact, this is not advisable. Raising their heads will make blood flow to the throat. When the blood volume is too much and too fast, it is easy to choke into the trachea and lungs. In addition, blocking the nose with paper is also a "high skill" that many people often take to stop bleeding. In fact, the pressure of paper towels is usually not enough, so it is difficult to achieve the effect of hemostasis, and the paper towels are not disinfected, which is also easy to induce infection.

The correct hemostasis method should be: if there is less bleeding, press the nasal wings on both sides with the index finger and thumb for 5 to 10 minutes, and use an ice bag or wet cold towel to compress the nose at the same time.

Article keywords: nose bleeding

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