Nine year old boy had more than 20 operations for scoliosis in 7 years

 Hao Hao has many surgical scars on his back. Hao Hao has many surgical scars on his back.

Hao Hao, a 9-year-old boy, had a 90 degree lateral curvature from childhood. In order to straighten his waist, he had more than 20 operations in more than 7 years. However, the high medical costs overwhelmed the rural family. In order to save money, sensible boys are reluctant to use a pain pump after surgery.

   There are many bumps on the back with nails inside

"Mom, I'm a little tired, so I squat outside to have a rest." In order to get a free diagnosis and treatment opportunity, Ms. Li took her son Hao Hao from Jiaomiao Town, Qihe County to the provincial hospital by bus early in the morning of the 20th. On the same day, Shandong Provincial Hospital jointly held a free diagnosis and rescue activity for adolescent scoliosis, which attracted many scoliosis patients.

The thin tall 9-year-old boy in front of the reporter, if he does not squat down, you can hardly imagine that he is a serious "little pot". He squatted on the ground, one side of his back bulging high, accounting for half of his entire back.

"When the child was six months old, he went to the hospital for an examination because one of his ribs did not grow well, and found that the child had scoliosis." At that time, the couple from an ordinary rural family did not know what scoliosis was. "At the beginning, the doctor told us that it would cost a lot of money if it could be cured."

Ms. Li did not give up. She and her husband came to the provincial hospital with their children. "The child will not walk when he is more than one year old, and the doctor said after examination that the side bend is 90 degrees and he needs surgery, which is the first operation." Ms. Li said that since then, the child will have surgery at least once a year, "because the child has been growing, it needs to constantly adjust the nails and splints hit on the back."

After a long illness, Ms. Li already knows the child's condition very well. "Up to now, I have had more than 20 operations, one time, three times in two months." Ms. Li said, "It is estimated that many more operations are needed. Now the child's left back still bulges a large piece, and when the child is growing up, the splint placed in it needs to be constantly adjusted."

Looking at her son squatting on the ground, Ms. Li's eyes were red. In order to let the reporter see clearly, she lifted up Hao Hao's clothes, and the surgical scars on the child's back were clearly visible. "Look, these are all nails," Ms. Li said, pointing to the bulging skin on Hao Hao's back.

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"A single operation will cost 20000 to 30000 yuan, which is really unbearable for rural families like us." Ms. Li said that, in addition to the free clinic on that day, the social work office of the provincial hospital and other departments also cooperated with the public welfare fund to carry out relief activities, providing medical assistance of no more than 50000 yuan to poor scoliosis adolescents from families who meet the relief conditions.

In order to make money and treat children, Ms. Li and her husband often go out to work in addition to farming at home. "I don't dare to work far away. I'm afraid that the child will have an accident." Ms. Li said that the nails on the back of the child can sometimes wear the skin out. "It's hot in summer, but we dare not use the mat for the child. We are afraid of grinding."

Hao Hao, who was ill since childhood, is also very sensible. "I was very tired after catching the bus early in the morning. The child must be even more tired, but he didn't make any noise at all." Ms. Li said that Hao Hao, who was really exhausted, just squatted on the ground silently to rest.

The stronger the child, the more distressed his mother. "The child is very sensible, very strong, and never cries out for pain." Ms. Li said that, knowing the family difficulties, Haohao especially knows how to save money. "To save money, the child does not use the pain pump after surgery. It is said that it costs hundreds of yuan."

"Children live more frugally." Ms. Li said that she occasionally bought a chicken to supplement Hao Hao's nutrition, but Hao Hao always let his brother eat it

With her back to the child, Ms. Li wiped her tears and said that some people have advised them not to treat the child these years. "But how can we bear it? Is there a way to cure what can be cured? As long as we have the breath, we will never give up, let alone abandon."

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   It is better to check the spine regularly for children in their growing period

"Scoliosis is a common spinal deformity in children." Wang Yanzhou, chief physician of pediatric orthopaedics department of the provincial hospital, introduced that there are many reasons for scoliosis, including congenital, neuromuscular diseases such as cerebral palsy, trauma, etc. The most common is idiopathic scoliosis caused by unknown reasons, accounting for about 80% of the total number of adolescent scoliosis.

According to relevant statistics, the incidence of scoliosis in China is about 1% - 3%. Idiopathic scoliosis often occurs at the peak of adolescent growth and development, and the incidence of girls is significantly higher than boys, about 4:1.

Experts remind that mild scoliosis usually has no obvious discomfort, and no obvious somatic deformity can be seen on the appearance. Severe scoliosis will affect the growth and development of teenagers and deform the body. In serious cases, it can affect the cardiopulmonary function, even affect the spinal cord, causing paralysis.

"Generally speaking, if the degree of lateral curvature is below 40 degrees, it is recommended to use orthosis for correction; if it exceeds 40 degrees, it is recommended to consider surgery." Wang Yanzhou said that if the disease can be detected and treated early, many children can avoid large surgery and expensive surgery costs.

How can we find out early? When you find that the child's height is shorter than that of normal children of the same age, he is always crooked when standing, his shoulders or pelvis are high or low, and the skirt of a girl is different, you need to conduct a self inspection for the child.

The expert demonstrated the method of self-examination: the examinee stood with his hands level and bent forward, and the examiner observed whether his back was symmetrical on both sides in front. If there was scoliosis, both sides of his back were asymmetrical.

Experts remind that scoliosis is often mild when it starts, and it is usually difficult to be found. It is suggested that parents should check the children in their growth period regularly.

Article keywords: Scoliosis

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