Why do children's acute laryngitis always haunt their babies in late autumn and early winter?

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Every late autumn and early winter, the number of small patients suffering from acute laryngitis in the outpatient department of the hospital will increase significantly. Why does this disease occur more frequently at this time?

Acute laryngitis in children is one of the common infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is an inflammation of the throat mucosa with hoarseness as the main symptom. It is common in infants from 6 months to 3 years old. In the late autumn and early winter, it is cold in the morning and cold in the evening, and hot at noon. Children's clothes are not added in time, so they are prone to the disease. The main manifestation of the disease is that it has an acute onset, with fever, hoarseness, cough, etc. Most of the hoarseness is not serious at the beginning, and there is panting sound when crying, and then the inflammation invades the subglottic area, presenting an "empty" cough sound. Symptoms worsen at night.

After acute laryngitis in children, the laryngeal cavity is narrow, the submucosal tissue of the larynx is loose, and the lymphatic vessels of the mucosa are rich, so it is easy to produce edema and block the laryngeal cavity. The cough function of children is not strong, and it is difficult to discharge secretions from the throat and lower respiratory tract, which aggravates the dyspnea. Therefore, the condition of acute laryngitis in children is often more serious than that in adults. If not treated in time, it may endanger life.

When children are at home, they should have a quiet rest and reduce crying to avoid aggravating dyspnea. The diet is mainly light, pay attention to nutrition, and avoid eating stimulating food. Parents should pay close attention to the breathing changes and general conditions of the children. If there is any problem, they should go to the nearest hospital immediately.

At ordinary times, children should not be brought to places with many people and turbid air. Every day, they should exercise outdoors appropriately, bask in the sun and open windows for ventilation. Add clothes to children in time to avoid getting cold. In addition, correct children's wrong vocal methods, such as screaming, etc., teach children to maintain oral hygiene, and develop a good habit of brushing their teeth and gargling after meals in the morning and evening.

Hunan Children's Hospital Hu Xiaojiao

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