How to Prevent Stuttering in Children

The onset age of children's stuttering is generally between 2 and 5 years old. It is a language barrier, and the existence of stuttering will have a serious impact on children's future. Therefore, we need to carefully understand the causes of children's stuttering. So, how does children stutter cause it?

   Causes of stuttering in children:

1. Mental factors:

Children's stuttering often occurs after acute or prolonged mental trauma, so many theories believe that mental factors may be an important cause of stuttering. Some children suffer from severe punishment or reprimand from their parents, teachers or some people around them, which makes their spirit suddenly severely hit. This fear or fright causes stuttering. Stress and anxiety can also lead to stuttering.

2. External factors:

Forcibly correcting left-handed people can also cause stuttering.

3. Tachycardia:

Because of the broad and rapid thinking, the mouth cannot follow, resulting in stuttering. It is also common in clinic.

4. Genetic factors:

The family incidence of stuttering patients can reach 36%~55%, so some people think it is related to genetic factors, which may be single gene inheritance. It has been found that the stuttering of children has a family genetic history, and the main external cause is poor language learning environment, such as parents' stuttering, or parents' fast and ambiguous spoken language, and children are not easy to imitate. It is also found that left handedness is more common in stuttering patients and relatives, and it is believed that stuttering is related to the dominant side of the brain.

5. Physical factors:

Congenital dysplasia also causes stuttering. Many children have been affected by harmful factors during perinatal period or infant period, such as pregnancy toxemia, hemorrhage or somatic diseases in the fetal period, or some infectious diseases in the development process, which weaken the nervous system function and affect the speech function, resulting in stuttering.

   To prevent children from stuttering, the following methods can be selected:

1. Speech training: speech training is an important method to correct stuttering, such as changing the habit of stuttering to speak quickly, quickly, violently and severely, and using pronunciation techniques such as slowing down, inducing pronunciation, soft pronunciation, using air flow and forming speech rhythm and rhythm.

2. Parents' education mode: experts said that there should be a good family environment during the children's language development. Parents should pay attention to their own education methods and attitudes, and should not be impatient or rude to children. Patience and encouragement will have a better effect. This can effectively prevent children from stuttering.

3. Relaxation therapy and biofeedback training: on the basis of supportive therapy, progressive relaxation therapy or biofeedback emotional training will be carried out for children to achieve the goal of gradually eliminating tension through systemic relaxation through the regulation of muscles and other biological indicators.

4. Eliminate psychological barriers: for children with stuttering, it is necessary to build confidence, eliminate mental tension, and guide parents.

5. Hearing delay feedback treatment: the hearing delay feedback instrument can be used for children with severe stuttering.

   Methods to treat children's stuttering:

1. Correct model law

With a kind and gentle expression and attitude, you calmly say a word and let the child learn it again. If children cannot speak well at the beginning, they should not be impatient and should be guided patiently. The child has made slight progress.

2. Slow dialogue method

When your child talks to you, let him speak slowly, especially the first sentence or even the first word. You should listen very patiently and not be busy interrupting. Do not use interrupting instead of what the child wants to say. When the child has finished speaking, after a second or two, you can react, answer the child in a slow pace, and try to use the words the child has just used. When you talk to your child consciously like this, the most important thing is to show your love for him as much as possible.

3. Singing and Reading

Stuttering children do not stutter when singing or reading texts. This is because of the rhythm in this language activity. You can consciously sing songs, recite texts, and speak nursery rhymes with your child to make them master the rhythm of language. Further guide him to speak in the rhythm of reading the text, and gradually transition.

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