The child fights and grabs the toy, and the metal bar on the toy is inserted into the skull

China News Network, Chongqing, February 9 (Han Lu, Liu Han Xuexiao) 4-year-old Ke Ke and her sister were playing at home. When the two children were fighting for toys, Ke Ke accidentally fell off the bed and fell on a toy on the ground. The metal bar on the toy was inserted into Ke Ke's skull. Reporters learned from the Children's Hospital affiliated to Chongqing Medical University on the 9th that after surgery, Keke has successfully passed the critical period after surgery and is about to be discharged.

Keke's parents told the reporter that Keke and her sister were sitting on the bed playing with toys. After playing for a while, the two children quarreled over the toy. Ke Ke was angry and threw all the toys on the ground to prevent her sister from playing, so she pushed her brother.

With her sister's push, Keke fell out of bed and fell on a toy. There was an upright metal bar on the toy. After Keke fell down, the metal bar was inserted into Keke's head. After Keke got up, the whole toy was fixed on Keke's left head. According to Grandma Keke, the metal rod inserted into Keke's head is actually a toy fishing rod. When Keke fell, her head fell on the upright fishing rod.

With Ke Ke crying and her sister screaming, Ke Ke's parents and grandmother rushed over, and everyone was frightened when they saw this behind the scenes. Ke Ke's father picked up his son and sent him to the nearby hospital. The hospital CT examination showed that "the left temporal intracranial metallic foreign body", suggesting that he be transferred to the children's hospital.

That night, Ke Ke was urgently transferred to the Children's Hospital and admitted to neurosurgery. The examination showed that there was brain injury at the left top and foreign body puncture at the left top. Zhou Yudong, associate professor of neurosurgery, said that when Ke Ke was sent here, a metal rod was inserted into the scalp on the left side of her head. The exposed length was about 2cm, which was relatively fixed, and the child's spirit was OK.

After full examination and preparation, Ke Ke received surgical treatment in Children's Hospital. According to Zhou Yudong, the surgeon in charge, during the operation, it was found that a small metal rod was inserted into the scalp at the left top of the child's skull. When the scalp was cut, the metal rod at the left top was inserted into the skull, which was relatively fixed. After the bone flap was taken out, it was found that the metal rod penetrated the skull about 3 mm. The internal plate of the skull was pushed downward into the dura mater and embedded into the brain, causing a little brain contusion and laceration at the left top. The metal rod was removed successfully.

Zhou Yudong said that it is very dangerous to insert a metal rod into the skull, which may cause intracranial infection. If the big blood vessel is punctured, it may also cause intracranial hemorrhage, brain edema, cerebral circulation disorders, etc., which is life threatening.

In addition, Dr. Zhou Yudong reminded that many children will visit or gather in the community to play during the winter vacation, and accidents will occur if they are not careful. Therefore, parents must pay attention to protecting children, especially their heads, when they are fighting to avoid tragedy.

At present, Ke Ke is recovering after surgery and will be discharged from hospital soon.

Article keywords: Toys skull

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