The 4-year-old girl was severely scalded when she sat in the boiling water basin

As the New Year is coming, health and safety are the most important. Brother Shen, who lives in Linping, Yuhang, Hangzhou, regrets this.

Yesterday morning, Tingting, brother Shen's 4-year-old daughter, was scalded by boiling water, and it was extensive scalding. They from Fujian may spend the year in hospital.

The child was severely scalded

The skin almost died

Yesterday afternoon, a reporter from Qian Newspaper saw Tingting, 4, in the ward of Binjiang Hospital, the provincial child care center.

The child's face and neck were a little red, and the left arm, waist, buttocks, thighs and other parts were wrapped in gauze.

Because the burns were mainly concentrated on the back of her body, Tingting had to lie on her stomach and often tried to turn over.

When she saw the nurse in white coming, she always shouted "no, no" in fear.

Standing beside the bed was Tingting's grandmother, whose eyes were red. She said that Tingting's lower body and limbs were burned, especially her back, and her skin fell off.

Doctor Liu, who was on duty in the emergency surgery department of Binjiang Hospital, the provincial child care center, said that (Tingting) the front was fine, with one or shallow second degree burns, but the back was relatively heavy, reaching deep second degree burns. If the burns were more serious, the skin would be completely necrotic.

  Thought he was going to take a bath

Four year old child sits in the boiling water basin

How could the child burn so badly in winter? Grandma's memory was full of remorse and regret.

The family comes from Fujian and is engaged in clothing business in Linping. Tingting also has a sister who is three years older than her.

Two days ago, Tingting's mother returned to her parents' home in Hubei in advance, so the responsibility of taking care of Gu Tingting's sisters fell on her grandmother alone.

Yesterday morning, Grandma was busy washing clothes. Because it was cold, she bought a big bucket of boiling water from the boiling water room at her door and poured it into the washing basin.

At this time, Tingting was also playing on the side. Without Grandma's attention, Tingting sat down in the washing basin.

"I didn't expect it at all. It was so naughty. When I asked her later, she said that she thought she wanted to take a bath."

Hearing her daughter's crying, Tingting's father rushed over, picked her up and went straight to the hospital. "I didn't think much about it at that time, so I wanted to send my daughter to the hospital as soon as possible."

Tingting was first sent to Jianqiao Burn Department Hospital, but because of the large area of burns, yesterday afternoon, she was transferred from 120 ambulances to Binjiang Hospital of Provincial Children's Insurance.

Although Tingting's life is not in danger, the doctor said that when she was just sent here, there were many common dehydration symptoms of scalded patients. The hospital first gave her fluids and drops to prevent dehydration.

Since more than 30% of the body is scalded, it is necessary to change the dressing every day for anti inflammation and anti infection for at least one week. Skin grafting may be required later.

After child burns

Never take off your clothes immediately

According to the plan, Tingting's family is going to return to their hometown in Fujian for the Spring Festival after finishing their business at the end of the year.

Now it seems that this wish is hard to realize, and the next period of time is an important period for Tingting's treatment. The family may have to spend the New Year's Eve in Hangzhou.

Speaking of this, Brother Shen regrets, because in his opinion, the health and safety of his daughter is more important than making more money.

Although Tingting has not yet gone to school, the chances of children being injured will also increase in the winter vacation. Tingting's father also hopes to remind other parents not to take it lightly.

What if the child burns? The medical staff reminded that it should be determined according to the area and severity of the child's scald.

Simple can be divided into two cases.

If the scalded area is not large and the area is within 5% of the whole body, it is very important to flush with tap water for 15-30 minutes.

If the area is large, more than 15%, shock may occur. It is not recommended to flush with water. It should be wrapped with sheets and sent to the nearest hospital for treatment. If the area is extremely large, it is necessary to go to the nearest local hospital for transfusion and treatment in a specialized hospital half an hour later.

It should be specially reminded that do not put ice on the wound, do not use soy sauce, toothpaste and other earthwork to smear the affected area, and do not use safflower oil, alcohol and other blood vessel expanding medicines. These medicines will not only burn the skin, but also increase the pain of the wound surface.

Don't take off clothes immediately and quickly. The skin after boiling and scalding may have stuck to the clothes, so taking off clothes blindly is likely to tear off the children's skin directly. If necessary, it needs to be cut directly. Our intern Lu Yuanyuan Zheng Yangzhong, our chief reporter Li Yangwen

Article keywords: Scald girl

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