Children are abusive or tic

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Feifei has been naughty since childhood. She likes to walk around in class, but she doesn't talk much. But recently, Feifei has become talkative and abusive. He also likes blinking, pouting, crooked mouth and shaking his head. His parents took him to the hospital for treatment. The doctor found that Feifei had a clear consciousness, but it was difficult to control these small movements, so he was diagnosed as "Gilles de la Tourette syndrome".

The child is active, likes winking and shaking his head. Don't think it's just a naughty child. It is likely that he has Tourette's syndrome. Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is a chronic neuropsychiatric disorder, also known as "multiple tourette syndrome". It is mainly characterized by eye, face or head twitches, such as blinking, mouth contorting or head shaking, and then gradually develops to the neck, shoulder, limbs or trunk. Some patients will involuntarily clear their throat, dry cough, nose sniffing, barking or screaming, Or love to swear.

The etiology and pathogenesis of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome are not yet clear, which may be related to genetic, neurotransmitter imbalance, psychological factors and environmental factors. If not treated in time, it will often lead to a series of behavioral problems, the most serious of which are obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning difficulties, sleep disorders, emotional disorders, self injurious behavior and obscene behavior, Impair children's cognitive function and development, and affect their social adaptability.

Some abnormal factors during pregnancy or delivery, such as the mother's bad mood during pregnancy or suffering from certain diseases, premature delivery, overdue delivery, asphyxia at birth, may lead to brain development disorders and increase the possibility of suffering from Tourette syndrome, so it is considered to be an important risk factor for the onset of Tourette syndrome.

Therefore, during pregnancy, mothers must do a good job of health care during pregnancy to prevent premature delivery, overdue delivery, asphyxia at birth and other abnormalities, as well as to prevent mental overstimulation, shock and careful use of central stimulants and other drugs, and actively prevent infectious diseases.

Ren Rongna, Chief Physician of Pediatrics, Fuzhou General Hospital, Nanjing Military Region

(organized by Wu Zhi and Li Zheng)

Article keywords: Tic disorder

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