4-year-old boy mistakenly drank car wash water to burn esophagus

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Chu Tianjin News Gold News News (reporter Gao Chenchen, correspondent Zhou Jianyue, Wen Honglei) Last month, Tong Ruirui (alias), a 4-year-old male from Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, drank the strong alkaline car wash water in a drink bottle while playing near the car wash shop, and immediately frothed at the mouth. Although the local hospital stopped his stomach bleeding, Ruirui's swallowing became more and more difficult. He often vomited and became a bone. His family transferred him to the Pediatric Surgery Department of Hubei Maternal and Child Health Hospital. It was found that his mouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach were all burned and his esophagus was blocked.

Three weeks ago, the doctor opened the diaphragm of Ruirui's esophagus with a stomach tube. After Ruirui's absorption of nutrition and improvement, he performed an esophageal dilatation operation. A few days after the operation, Ruirui resumed eating. Ruirui underwent expansion surgery again the day before yesterday. After that, he needs to expand 1-2 times.

Huang Shan, the chief surgeon of the hospital, said that parents should put drugs in places that are not easily accessible to children. Toxic substances such as rat medicine, disinfectant, detergent, pesticide, etc. must not be bottled with drinks and not put together with food. Once the child eats by mistake, let the child drink milk to dilute the poison and send it to the hospital as soon as possible.

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