Two year old boy hit the corner of the table with his right eye, almost becoming a tearful person all his life

   Hanwang Changjiang Daily micro-blog Collect this article      

The two-year-old boy hit his right eye on the corner of the table while playing at home, and was taken to the hospital by his parents for examination; The doctor said that he had broken the lacrimal canaliculus. If he did not operate in time, he would become a "tearman" for life. Yesterday, the reporter learned the story from the Municipal Children's Hospital.

A few days ago, Wen Bo, a two-year-old boy, accidentally bumped his right eye into the corner of the living room table while playing at his home in Hankou. Her mother, Ms. Wang, found that his eyes had only a small amount of bleeding and no obvious wounds. She felt that the problem was not too serious, so she went to deal with the urgent matter at hand first.

At the end of the afternoon, Ms. Wang looked at the child's bruise and felt uneasy, so she took the child to the municipal children's hospital for treatment. After examination, the outpatient doctor said to Ms. Wang that the child needed to be hospitalized for surgery. "How serious can it be if I hurt the corner of my eye? I need to be hospitalized for surgery?" Ms. Wang was a little puzzled.

After checking Wenbo again, the doctor in the inpatient department told Ms. Wang that the child's right eyelid was full thickness lacerated and the right lower lacrimal canaliculus was broken. The lacrimal canaliculus should be sutured by surgery as soon as possible, otherwise the child would become a "tearful person" for life.

Wenbo's operation was performed by Li Shilian, director of the ophthalmology department of the hospital the day before yesterday, and the suture can be removed within a week.

According to Li Shilian, one lacrimal canaliculus is located under the skin of the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid near the nose. This part has no tarsal plate protection and is relatively weak. It is often broken due to blunt trauma such as eye impact. The inner diameter of lacrimal canaliculus is about 0.5 mm, so it is very difficult to correctly locate and suture the broken end. If the operation is carried out as soon as possible, and both ends of the fracture are accurately found and sutured, the success rate of the operation will be high, otherwise it will lead to permanent tears. (Correspondent Guo Lin and reporter Huang Jieying)

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