How to give first aid to children with burns

Core tip: Since children's skin is delicate, the same heat will cause more damage to children than adults. If the burned area of a child exceeds 10% of the body surface area, shock will occur. Parents should pay special attention to children after burns, and know some basic nursing methods to minimize injuries.

At 7:30 p.m. on July 15, a No. 301 bus in Guangzhou suddenly exploded and caught fire when it was driving to Nandun and the Second Station of Guangzhou Avenue. The accident resulted in two deaths and 32 injuries, including a 9-year-old boy with severe inhalation burns, who is still under treatment.

Because children's skin is delicate, the same heat can cause more damage to children than adults. If the burned area of a child exceeds 10% of the body surface area, shock will occur. In addition, children are not mature in anatomy and physiology in the process of growth and development, and have poor tolerance to diseases after burns, which is prone to sepsis and even death.

   How to give first aid to accidental burns?

Parents should pay special attention to children after burns. If they are unlucky enough to suffer from burns similar to bus explosion, the first thing is to quickly evacuate the fire site to reduce the probability of inhalation burns. If they can evacuate safely, they should follow the following methods:

First thing: try to stop the burning. If there is a fire on the child, you can help him quickly take off his burning clothes, or let him lie down on the spot, roll slowly to extinguish the fire, or wrap the child up with anything at hand to prevent fire. Be careful not to let children run and shout to avoid spreading the fire and causing burns on the head, face and respiratory tract.

The second thing: don't take off the children's clothes, and pay attention to protecting the burn wounds. After burn, the epidermal tissue has become necrotic, but this layer of necrotic tissue has a protective effect on deep tissue at the early stage of injury. Do not panic and move to cause epidermal exfoliation.

The third thing: wait for the ambulance to come to the safe place and do not move the child at will.

It should also be noted that in the process of treating children, even when a fire is found at the beginning, people should call the police to win the rescue time as soon as possible.

  How to care for daily burns?

In addition to accidental injuries, in daily life, children may "ignite the upper body" due to their curiosity. Burns happen from time to time. Early treatment of burns is the key to wound repair and recovery of some functions. If not properly treated, children will leave serious scars or even disfigurement. Parents must master the home care methods after burns:

1. Use cold water to cool and dissipate heat as soon as possible. Clean water (such as tap water, river water, well water, etc.) should be used as soon as possible at a temperature of 5-20 ℃. Cold compress or soak the wound for 1/2-1 hour to reduce the local temperature, reduce the spread of heat energy to deep tissues, and reduce further damage to the wound until it is no pain or slightly painful after cooling.

But be careful not to use ice directly or immerse the child in cold water to reduce the temperature of burns. Doing so will strengthen the shock response and increase the probability of infection.

2. Do not smear randomly, especially some earthwork prescriptions. Do not use soy sauce, toothpaste, soap, ointment or ointment to smear the wound. This will not only have no effect, but also cause infection.

3. After local cooling, gently cover the child's wound with clean cloth or sterilized bandage, and go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

If the child is seriously injured, you must call an ambulance at the first time. Any serious burn is very likely to cause shock, especially for infants and young children. You must not take it lightly!

Article keywords: Child burn

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