One year old girl "Water Baby" died after eating the toy by mistake

 The "Water Baby" taken from Yan Yan's belly is more than two centimeters in diameter. The picture provided by the hospital The "Water Baby" taken from Yan Yan's belly is more than two centimeters in diameter. The picture provided by the hospital
 "Water Baby" will become bigger after soaking in water Photographed by Wang Lingling, reporter of Modern Express "Water Baby" will become bigger after soaking in water Photographed by Wang Lingling, reporter of Modern Express

It is taken out only after operation. This kind of toy will become larger and toxic when it meets water

   Eating toy "Water Baby" by mistake

Yan Yan, a girl who has just turned 15 months old, suddenly can't eat anything these days. She has been complaining about her stomach and vomiting from time to time. The hospital diagnosed that the child suffered from severe intestinal obstruction and had to be operated on immediately. On the operating table, the doctor found the "culprit" from the upper end of the child's small intestine, which turned out to be a "ball" with a diameter of more than two centimeters.

Modern Express reporter Wang Lingling

There's a "ball" in my belly

The diameter is more than two centimeters

Yesterday morning, Zhu Jie, the chief physician of general surgery in the Children's Hospital affiliated to Suzhou University, told the reporter of Modern Express that at 6:00 p.m. on May 3, Yan Yan's family came to Suzhou from Binhai County, Yancheng City with her in their arms and hung up the emergency department of the hospital. At that time, the child's condition was very critical, and even had early symptoms of shock. The doctor immediately took a film to check her. There was a mass of gas above the child's abdominal cavity, but nothing could be taken from the intestinal part, which was a typical intestinal obstruction.

Zhu Jie said that due to the serious situation, the emergency exploratory laparotomy could only be carried out immediately, otherwise the child's life would be in danger. "When I opened the intestinal tube, I saw a ball with a diameter of more than two centimeters. It was not small, like some kind of children's toy. We guess it might have been eaten by mistake."

  It's called "Water Baby"

It is also toxic when it gets bigger when encountering water

How did such a big "ball" get into the baby's belly? It turns out that the real name of this "ball" is "water baby". At first, it was only the size of sesame seeds. When it met water, it would slowly grow larger, and its volume could become dozens of times larger. The reporter learned that Yan Yan, together with her 11 year old cousin, has been taken care of by her grandmother. Yan Yan's grandmother told the reporter that the "ball" in the baby's stomach should have been accidentally eaten while playing with her cousin.

"It is actually a kind of absorbent resin, which will expand when encountering water to a certain extent and form a transparent 'egg'. This resin is generally made of starch mixed with acrylonitrile or acrylate, which is toxic. The colorful color should be added with industrial pigments, which is harmful to human health." Zhu Jie reminded that parents should keep their children away from "water babies", Avoid eating by mistake.

  It is sold at the school gate

Rough packaging belongs to "three no products"

The reporter of Modern Express came near a primary school yesterday afternoon. In a snack shop, the reporter found "Water Baby". The reporter saw that there were dozens of colorful beads in a bag, with a diameter of only 1-2 mm. The packaging is very rough. According to the boss, these "beads" can be "transformed" after 4 hours of blistering. Putting them in a glass bottle can make the bottle become a beautiful decoration.

The reporter bought the last bag and started the experiment. Sure enough, within an hour, these "beads" had become the size of soybeans.

"This product has no factory address, certificate of quality, or Chinese name on its package, which belongs to the" three no products "category." Cao Lingxiao, director of Suzhou Consumer Protection Commission, said that law enforcement officials for industry and commerce would investigate and deal with such products, and citizens should never buy them.

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