Be a good parent. Six dangerous goods should be moved out of the house

06:30, March 30, 2017 Life Times micro-blog
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Some seemingly harmless things in life may pose potential dangers to children. Recently, several emergency experts in the United States summarized "six items that should not be left at home" to remind parents.

   The button battery. Dr. David Sisson, medical director and pediatric emergency expert in the mid Atlantic region of the United States, reminded that many car remote controls, portable LED lights and other devices are powered by button batteries. Button batteries can easily be stuffed into the mouth by little guys as food. Once stuck in the esophagus, the acid in the battery will easily burn the esophagus, causing lifelong injury. Therefore, try not to buy toys with button batteries. The button batteries at home should be cleaned up. Don't let the children play with them at will.

   High pressure water gun and expansion ladder. Dr. Seth Podolski, deputy director of the emergency medical research institute of the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, reminded that the water jet from the high-pressure water gun is very easy to injure children by mistake. Most children love climbing and are very interested in ladders. However, if there is no adult present or the protective measures are improper, the child is likely to fall from a high place and be injured, which is particularly likely to lead to serious trauma such as head injury and collapse of children's lungs.

   Overdue painkillers. Dr. Ferdinando Milach, chief physician of the emergency medicine department of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in the United States, reminded that expired painkillers (especially anesthetic painkillers) should be discarded in time. Once ingested by children, it is easy to cause excessive hydrocodone and oxycodone, leading to accidents and even casualties. A slow release pain killer may kill a child.

   Simulated toy gun. Amy Baxter, a pediatric emergency expert at the Children's Health Hospital in Atlanta, USA, said that many children, especially boys, like to play with knives and guns, and love toy guns. However, some high simulation toy guns are extremely dangerous. The rubber bullets or marbles fired from the toy gun have certain lethality and are easy to hurt yourself or others.

   Bowl noodles. Dr. David Sisson pointed out that the foam container of bowl packed ramen is very hot after being heated in the microwave oven, which is also a common cause of children's burns in clinic. Sometimes, when parents put bowl packed ramen on the table, they do not realize how hot the ramen is. Once a toddler touches it, it is easy to burn.

   High chair. Dr. Brian Ford, an emergency expert at DuPage Central Hospital in the United States, pointed out that children like to kick things with their feet when sitting in a chair. Once they exert too much force, the high chair will easily fall back, which may lead to skull fracture in children and even death in serious cases. ▲ (Chen Xi, Special correspondent of Life Times)

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