What are the different modes of early education in different countries

We can see the different ideas of early education in different countries and cultures, which should also prove that there is no best model of early education, let alone a fixed model. Different education systems will cultivate citizens with different characteristics.

At present, China's early childhood education market is still in its infancy. In the conflict of various ideas, more and more parents are beginning to realize that different early childhood education brings different results, and how to choose between them. This requires parents to first clarify their own understanding of early childhood education, establish values and parenting concepts that conform to the trend of social development, and then choose on this basis is the best policy

Germany: Brainstorming allows children to "draw maps" from childhood

German parents generally believe that cultivating children's ability to have abstract thinking will lay a good foundation for higher education in the future. Therefore, in German children's early education, digital games, chess, maze walking, building blocks, playing magic cube and other educational activities are the main forms of German early education curriculum to cultivate children's abstract thinking ability. Drawing maps is an original creation of Germans. It can often be seen that on the beach at the seaside, children use sticks to draw their homes in memory inspired by their parents. In many early education schools, children also began to use graphics to express abstract things inspired by teachers. German rigorous style has been cultivated since childhood.

America: Unleashing the potential for children to learn through play and experience

The concept of early education in the United States has a long history, and the concept of "education from the first day" is deeply rooted in the minds of American parents. The biggest feature of American education is that "experience" is more important than "knowledge teaching". Teachers believe that it is more important to give children learning ability than to teach them to do several arithmetic problems. In the United States, Gymboree, the most famous early education school, is famous for its teaching method of "game+experience=learning". Gymboree's teachers will not hard instill children with knowledge and skills that do not belong to this age group, but advocate letting them practice and experience more, learn to experience and explore skills in various puzzle and team games, more actively and interactively understand the surrounding things, and form healthy values and learning methods. The biggest benefit of this is that children will develop the habit of active learning and exploration when they are young, and become real explorers and masters of knowledge, rather than passively accept the teacher's indoctrination.

Canada: Hands on Writing and Counting for Professors Not Ahead of Time

In Canada, babies can be sent to "playschool" when they are a little older. Instead of going to class, they can participate in art, work, music, singing and other activities there. What's different is that such early education schools do not set up courses such as writing and counting. Early childhood education experts in Canada generally believe that early childhood is a critical period for the balanced development of motor ability and an important period for cultivating creativity, so it is more important to cultivate practical ability. If children are allowed to read, write and count early, it will consume their physical and mental strength and slow down their motor development.

Japan: learn to cultivate independent personality without causing trouble to others

In Japan, parents instill an idea into their children when they are very young: Don't make trouble for others. In daily life, parents and early education schools will pay attention to cultivating children's self-care ability and self-improvement spirit. You will find that in Japan, when children go to class or even when the whole family goes on a trip, they have to carry a small backpack without exception, which contains their own things. Young children have to do many things by themselves, and parents and teachers just give a little guidance. Although there are some differences in the concept of parent-child interactive early education between Japan and the West, Japan's independent personality cultivation has indeed played a great role in Japan's ranking among the top countries in the world. Even after school, many students have to work outside to earn money in their spare time. They earn their tuition by carrying dishes and washing dishes in restaurants, selling goods in stores, and being tutors. These habits have been cultivated since early education schools.

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