Child Care Channel
Newborn congenital malformation, just because the pregnant mother did these four things during pregnancy, don't do it again

About 5 million deformed babies are born every year in the world, that is to say, one deformed baby is born every five to six minutes on average, and serious malformations may even lead to the death of newborns.

Article: Childcare
Uncover the secrets of nutrition during pregnancy! For you to eat well and not fat pregnancy!

For pregnant mothers, every mouthful of food may have a bearing on the development of the baby, and they must not be careless. But if they eat too much, they are afraid of getting fat, and if they eat too little, they are afraid of the baby's malnutrition. So, how should they eat during pregnancy?

Article: Childcare
Does the baby suddenly smoke after vomiting and loose stool? So in this case, we should also prevent convulsion!

The children's spleen and stomach are delicate, and gastroenteritis is inevitable. But some children suddenly pull up after gastrointestinal symptoms. What's the matter?

Article: Childcare
@Pregnant mother, prenatal examination to do pregnancy glucose tolerance test, take a look at this!

Gestational glucose tolerance test is a test to diagnose gestational diabetes mellitus. How should gestational glucose tolerance test be done? What are the steps? Listen to the experts.

Article: Childcare
If you want to give birth to a healthy baby, you should pay attention to prenatal screening and diagnosis in these three golden periods

The incidence of birth defects in China is about 5.6%, and there are more than 8000 known birth defects. With such a high incidence of birth defects, what should we pay attention to if we want to have a healthy baby?

Article: Childcare
Recommended today
Newborn congenital malformation, just because the pregnant mother did these four things during pregnancy, don't do it again

About 5 million deformed babies are born every year in the world, that is to say, one deformed baby is born every five to six minutes on average, and serious malformations may even lead to the death of newborns.

Article: Childcare
Uncover the secrets of nutrition during pregnancy! For you to eat well and not fat pregnancy!

For pregnant mothers, every mouthful of food may have a bearing on the development of the baby, and they must not be careless. But if they eat too much, they are afraid of getting fat, and if they eat too little, they are afraid of the baby's malnutrition. So, how should they eat during pregnancy?

Article: Childcare
@Pregnant mother, prenatal examination to do pregnancy glucose tolerance test, take a look at this!

Gestational glucose tolerance test is a test to diagnose gestational diabetes mellitus. How should gestational glucose tolerance test be done? What are the steps? Listen to the experts.

Article: Childcare
If you want to give birth to a healthy baby, you should pay attention to prenatal screening and diagnosis in these three golden periods

The incidence of birth defects in China is about 5.6%, and there are more than 8000 known birth defects. With such a high incidence of birth defects, what should we pay attention to if we want to have a healthy baby?

Article: Childcare
@Pregnant mothers: After pregnancy, these little things should also be paid attention to

After pregnancy, every little thing will affect the development of the fetus in the abdomen, such as incorrect sleeping posture, constipation, cold, diarrhea, etc

Article: Childcare
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Article: Childcare
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Article: Childcare
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Article: Childcare
Does the baby suddenly smoke after vomiting and loose stool? So in this case, we should also prevent convulsion!

The children's spleen and stomach are delicate, and gastroenteritis is inevitable. But some children suddenly pull up after gastrointestinal symptoms. What's the matter?

Article: Childcare
How to avoid children taking drugs by mistake? It is important to do these!

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Article: Childcare
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Article: Childcare
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Article: Childcare
The blood lead level of 800 million children in the world exceeds the standard! These living things are quietly harming children's health

The United Nations Children and Opportunity recently released a new report of the Institute of Health Indicators and Assessment. According to this report, there are about 800 million children and young people under 19 years old in the world with blood lead levels of more than 5ug/dl, while there are 31237708 children with blood lead levels of more than 5ug/dl in China

Article: Childcare
Amazon sells expired milk powder! You need to bear the risks of overseas milk powder

On October 23, CNBC reported that American e-commerce platforms were exposed to selling too much food, including baby milk powder. Moms who love overseas shopping are worried when they see this place. With the development of e-commerce and logistics, and because the credit of domestic brands has declined, more and more mothers like to give their children overseas shopping supplies and food, especially milk powder. However, there are also great risks in overseas shopping.

Article: Childcare
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Article: Childcare
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