Shanghai Jianlong Waste Materials Recycling Co., Ltd
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Company Introduction
 Shanghai Jianlong Waste Materials Recycling Co., Ltd

Shanghai Jianlong Waste Materials Recycling Co., Ltd

General items: recycling of renewable resources (except productive scrap metal): sales of renewable resources: sales of metal materials: sales of generators and generator sets: sales of electrical equipment: sales of electrical facilities and equipment: sales of distribution switch control equipment, sales of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, repair of general equipment: sales of special equipment, electronic components and electromechanical components, Sales of machinery parts, spare parts, installation services of general machinery and equipment, sales of textile equipment, sales of general merchandise, sales of needle textiles, wire and cable business, wholesale of edible agricultural products, retail of edible agricultural products, wholesale of computer software and hardware and auxiliary equipment, retail of computer software and hardware and auxiliary equipment, engineering management services, (In addition to the projects that need to be approved according to law, business activities shall be carried out independently according to law with the business license). Permitted projects: various engineering construction activities, urban domestic waste business services, construction labor subcontracting (projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments, and specific business projects are subject to the approval documents or permits of relevant departments). View details

Business Information

Business information
  • Shanghai Jianlong Waste Materials Recycling Co., Ltd
  • Electromechanical equipment recovery, generator recovery, transformer recovery, cable recovery
  • 91310120MA7AD0B853
  • Shanghai Fengxian
  • General items: recycling of renewable resources (except productive scrap metal): sales of renewable resources: sales of metal materials: sales of generators and generator sets: sales of electrical equipment: sales of electrical facilities and equipment: sales of distribution switch control equipment, sales of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, repair of general equipment: sales of special equipment, electronic components and electromechanical components, Sales of machinery parts, spare parts, installation services of general machinery and equipment, sales of textile equipment, sales of general merchandise, sales of needle textiles, wire and cable business, wholesale of edible agricultural products, retail of edible agricultural products, wholesale of computer software and hardware and auxiliary equipment, retail of computer software and hardware and auxiliary equipment, engineering management services, (In addition to the projects that need to be approved according to law, business activities shall be carried out independently according to law with the business license). Permitted projects: various engineering construction activities, urban domestic waste business services, construction labor subcontracting (projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments, and specific business projects are subject to the approval documents or permits of relevant departments).
  • RMB 6 million
  • Other limited liability companies
  • 1949-01-01 to 2033-01-01
The business information of the enterprise has been verified See more

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Company Information

  • Shanghai Jianlong Waste Materials Recycling Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 1 day
  • Jianlong Waste Materials Recycling Co., Ltd
  • Other limited liability companies
  • 2010-01-01
  • Electromechanical equipment recycling, generator recycling, transformer recycling
  • Shanghai Fengxian 2 units, 268 Qinggong Road

contact information

  • Mr Kim
  • 򈊡򈊨򈊠򈊡򈊧򈊢򈊠򈊩򈊩򈊢򈊣
  • eighteen billion seventeen million two hundred and nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-three
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 1 day
  • QQ
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About us
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Name: Shanghai Jianlong Waste Materials Recycling Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊨򈊠򈊡򈊧򈊢򈊠򈊩򈊩򈊢򈊣
Address: No. 2, No. 268, Qinggong Road
Main products
Electromechanical equipment recovery, generator recovery, transformer recovery, cable recovery

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