Foshan Shunde Mingbang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd

Automotive paint, wood paint, latex paint, Phyllis paint


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  • Miss Huang
  • 򈊡򈊥򈊩򈊨򈊩򈊩򈊧򈊦򈊢򈊠򈊧
  • fifteen billion nine hundred and eighty-nine million nine hundred and seventy-six thousand two hundred and seven
  • Mobile phone has been>certified
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    Checked by Tianyan
  • 2023-12-08
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Company Information

  • Foshan Shunde Mingbang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd
  • Mingbang Chemical
  • Enterprise type: self-employed
  • Main Products: Automotive Paint, Wood Paint, Latex Paint, Phyllis Paint
  • Company address: Guangdong Foshan 19 Shilong Avenue
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Enterprise directory » Foshan Enterprise Directory » List of Foshan Chemical Enterprises » Foshan Shunde Mingbang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd
About us
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Name: Foshan Shunde Mingbang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊥򈊩򈊨򈊩򈊩򈊧򈊦򈊢򈊠򈊧
Address: No.19, Shilong Avenue
Main products
Automotive paint, wood paint, latex paint, Phyllis paint

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