Hebei Annuo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
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Company Introduction

Hebei Annuo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

Since its establishment, Hebei Annuo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. has always focused on the research, development, production and sales of water treatment chemicals. At present, there are four series (more than 100): circulating cooling water treatment agents, reverse osmosis membrane treatment agents, boiler water treatment agents, and sewage treatment agents. We have accumulated rich practical experience by providing on-site technical application guidance for products in power plants, steel mills, oil fields, paper making, textile printing and dyeing, water supply and drainage engineering and other fields. The company provides customers with technical scheme design and on-site technical service guidance, and our company has a highly standardized laboratory to provide customers with water quality analysis, formula screening, water treatment agent testing, etc., and provide various water treatment technical guarantees. View details

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Business Information

Business information
  • Hebei Annuo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
  • Corrosion and scale inhibitor, bactericide and algaecide, reverse osmosis reducing agent, cleaning agent
  • 91130502MA086FME2U
  • Xingtai, Hebei
  • R&D and production: environmental water purification agent and equipment; Production and sales: water treatment agent, boiler maintenance agent; Sales: sewage treatment agents, resins, reverse osmosis membranes and agents, chemical raw materials and products (excluding hazardous chemicals), environmental protection equipment, insulation materials, rubber products, boiler accessories, valves and pipe fittings; Installation of energy-saving product equipment, photovoltaic system and thermal insulation pipeline. (Projects that must be approved according to law can only be operated after being approved by relevant departments)
  • RMB 3 million
  • Private enterprises
  • 2017-02-10 to 2047-02-09
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Company Information

  • Hebei Annuo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual not certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 2 days
  • Hebei Annuo Environmental Protection
  • Private enterprises
  • 2017-02-10
  • Corrosion and scale inhibitor, bactericide and algaecide, reverse osmosis reduction
  • Hebei Xingtai Xinhua South Road

contact information

  • Manager Li
  • 򈊡򈊨򈊣򈊣򈊠򈊩򈊠򈊨򈊨򈊢򈊢
  • eighteen billion three hundred and thirty million nine hundred and eight thousand eight hundred and twenty-two
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual not certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 2 days
  • QQ

Information classification

  • > Circulating cooling water treatment agent
  • > RO membrane treatment agent
  • > Boiler water treatment agent
  • > Sewage treatment agent
  • > other
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  • Shandong Weifang netizens visited this page in Baidu search two days ago
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  • A netizen from Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong visited this page in Baidu search a month ago
About us
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contact us
Name: Hebei Annuo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊨򈊣򈊣򈊠򈊩򈊠򈊨򈊨򈊢򈊢
Address: Xinhua South Road
Main products
Corrosion and scale inhibitor, bactericide and algaecide, reverse osmosis reducing agent, cleaning agent

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