Henan Senwo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Section seven year

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Henan Senwo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

Henan Senwo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. produces and sells various water purification materials, the main products are polyaluminum chloride, ferrous sulfate, polyacrylamide and various filter materials. Based on the availability of technical personnel, with the help and support of customers everywhere, the company has production processes, and the quality and sales of products have always been in the position of the industry. Since the establishment of the company, [always adhere to: survive by quality, and develop by reputation]. The products of Henan Senwo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. are widely used in papermaking, industrial sewage, urban water supply and drainage, chemical industry, oilfield, metallurgy, power and other sewage treatment fields. In particular, the new polyaluminum chloride technology, stable quality and affordable price of polyacrylamide have won the welcome and trust of the majority of users. We are willing to make friends around the world and work together for common development! View details

Business Information

Business information
  • Henan Senwo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
  • Polyacrylamide, polyaluminum chloride
  • 91410103MA4533RT2P
  • Zhengzhou, Henan
  • Technical development of activated carbon, water treatment filter material and water treatment agent; Sales: polyaluminum chloride, polyacrylamide, activated carbon, polyferric chloride, anthracite filter material, quartz sand, fruit shell filter material, chemical environmental protection equipment and pipeline accessories; Engaged in the import and export of goods and technology.
  • RMB 20000000000
  • Limited liability company (invested or controlled by natural person)
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Company Information

  • Henan Senwo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 1 day
  • Senwo Environmental Protection
  • Limited liability company (invested or controlled by natural person)
  • 2018-04-10
  • Polyacrylamide, polyaluminum chloride
  • Henan Zhengzhou Fogangxin, No. 99, Lianyun Road, Erqi District, Zhengzhou City

contact information

  • Ding Shilin
  • 򈊡򈊨򈊨򈊡򈊩򈊤򈊨򈊣򈊩򈊦򈊠
  • Mobile phone has been certified
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    Checked by Tianyan
  • 1 day
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About us
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Name: Henan Senwo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊨򈊨򈊡򈊩򈊤򈊨򈊣򈊩򈊦򈊠
Address: No. 1601, Building 21, Fogang New Residence, No. 99, Lianyun Road, Erqi District, Zhengzhou City
Main products
Polyacrylamide, polyaluminum chloride

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