Dongguan Sendaoer Trading Co., Ltd

Export customs declaration, import customs clearance, import and export trade, import of chemicals


contact information

  • Mr. li
  • 򈊡򈊣򈊥򈊣򈊥򈊩򈊥򈊨򈊦򈊨򈊦
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  • 2018-08-03
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Company Information

  • Dongguan Sendaoer Trading Co., Ltd
  • Sandall Trading Co., Ltd
  • Enterprise type: self-employed
  • Main products: export customs declaration, import customs clearance, import and export trade, import of chemicals
  • Company address: Guangdong Dongguan No. 303, Unit D, Qingyun Building, Luosha Road, Xingtang Community, Guancheng Street
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Enterprise directory » Dongguan Enterprise Directory » List of Dongguan Logistics Enterprises » Dongguan Sendaoer Trading Co., Ltd
About us
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Name: Dongguan Sendaoer Trading Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊣򈊥򈊣򈊥򈊩򈊥򈊨򈊦򈊨򈊦
Address: No. 303, Unit D, Qingyun Building, Luosha Road, Xingtang Community, Guancheng Street
Main products
Export customs declaration, import customs clearance, import and export trade, import of chemicals

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