Guohao Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Exhibition recruitment


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Company Information

  • Guohao Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
  • Guohao Exhibition
  • Enterprise type: limited liability company (invested or controlled by natural person)
  • Main products: exhibition recruitment
  • Company address: Shanghai Room A1017, No. 668, Changjiang South Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai
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Enterprise directory » Baoshan Enterprise Directory » Directory of Baoshan Life Service Enterprises » Guohao Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
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Name: Guohao Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊧򈊧򈊢򈊡򈊤򈊩򈊣򈊩򈊨򈊥
Address: Room A1017, No. 668, Changjiang South Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai
Main products
Exhibition recruitment

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