Guangdong Jinzhanhong New Material Co., Ltd

Guangdong water paint brand, stone imitation paint manufacturer, furniture paint wholesale, art paint franchise


contact information

  • He Zhiliang
  • 򈊠򈊡򈊧򈊣-򈊢򈊤򈊥򈊠򈊠򈊡򈊧򈊣
  • 򈊡򈊧򈊣򈊢򈊤򈊥򈊠򈊠򈊡򈊧򈊣
  • seventeen billion three hundred and twenty-four million five hundred thousand one hundred and seventy-three
  • Mobile phone has been>certified
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    Checked by Tianyan
  • 2023-08-01
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Company Information

  • Guangdong Jinzhanhong New Material Co., Ltd
  • Jinzhanhong Paint
  • Enterprise type: private limited liability company
  • Main products: Guangdong water paint brand, stone imitation paint manufacturer, furniture paint wholesale, art paint franchise
  • Company address: Guangdong Foshan Foshan Shunde Daliang
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  • Netizens in Xuzhou, Jiangsu visited this page in 360 search a week ago
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Enterprise directory » Foshan Enterprise Directory » List of Foshan Paint Enterprises » Guangdong Jinzhanhong New Material Co., Ltd
About us
Supplied products
contact us
Name: Guangdong Jinzhanhong New Material Co., Ltd
Tel: 0173-24500173
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊧򈊣򈊢򈊤򈊥򈊠򈊠򈊡򈊧򈊣
Address: Daliang, Shunde, Foshan
Main products
Guangdong water paint brand, stone imitation paint manufacturer, furniture paint wholesale, art paint franchise

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