Dongguan Xingbiao Vision Automation Technology Co., Ltd

Injection molding machine mold protector, mold monitor, mold protector


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  • Xiong Jinqiang
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  • 2019-10-21
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Company Information

  • Dongguan Xingbiao Vision Automation Technology Co., Ltd
  • Logo visual automation technology
  • Enterprise type: private limited liability company
  • Main products: injection molding machine mold protector, mold monitor, Mold protector
  • Company address: Guangdong Dongguan No. 11, Middle Sanlian Road, Luwu Village, Changping Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
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Enterprise directory » Dongguan Enterprise Directory » List of Dongguan Chemical Enterprises » Dongguan Xingbiao Vision Automation Technology Co., Ltd
About us
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Name: Dongguan Xingbiao Visual Automation Technology Co., Ltd
Tel.: 0769-83533898
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊣򈊩򈊢򈊩򈊢򈊣򈊠򈊧򈊩򈊩
Address: No. 11, Middle Sanlian Road, Luwu Village, Changping Town, Dongguan, Guangdong
Main products
Injection molding machine mold protector, mold monitor, mold protector

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