Shandong Leizheng Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd

Antifreeze manufacturer, heat transfer oil manufacturer, industrial lubricant manufacturer


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  • 2020-05-08
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Company Information

  • Shandong Leizheng Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd
  • Lei Zheng lubricating oil
  • Enterprise type: private limited liability company
  • Main products: antifreeze manufacturers, heat transfer oil manufacturers, industrial lubricant manufacturers
  • Company address: Shandong Zibo East of Beianhe Village, Fenghuang Town, Linzi District, Zibo City
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Enterprise directory » Zibo Enterprise Directory » Zibo Energy Enterprise Directory » Shandong Leizheng Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd
About us
Supplied products
contact us
Name: Shandong Leizheng Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd
Tel.: 0533-7664677
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊣򈊣򈊤򈊥򈊢򈊣򈊡򈊩򈊨򈊩
Address: East of Beianhe Village, Fenghuang Town, Linzi District, Zibo City
Main products
Antifreeze manufacturer, heat transfer oil manufacturer, industrial lubricant manufacturer

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