Wuhan Jindun Stone Industry

Marble, quartz stone, cultural stone. artificial stone


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Company Information

  • Wuhan Jindun Stone Industry
  • Enterprise type: limited liability company
  • Products: marble, quartz stone, cultural stone. artificial stone
  • Company address: Hubei Wuhan Within Wuhan Hongshan District Railway Machinery Group
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Introduction to Wuhan Jindun Stone Industry

Company Introduction
 Honest cooperation

Company Profile of Wuhan Jindun Stone Industry Co., Ltd.: Wuhan Jindun Stone Industry is a stone sales, processing and production enterprise. The company was founded in 1996, and has a history of more than 10 years. The head office is located in the stone town of Hubei (Xianning, Tongshan), covering an area of about 20000 square meters, with about 500 workers. The company launched 16 stone production and processing bases in the first phase, mainly for sales, Mainly processing and production. And the stone technology has won the appreciation of many stone enterprises and foreign customers—————— The company insists on entering the market with good reputation and production technology --【 View details

Business Information

Business information
  • Wuhan Jindun Stone Industry
  • Marble, quartz stone, cultural stone. artificial stone
  • Wuhan, Hubei
  • Marble, quartz stone, cultural stone. artificial stone
  • RMB 500 million
  • company with limited liability
  • long-term
Enterprise directory » Wuhan Enterprise Directory » List of Wuhan Building Materials Enterprises » Wuhan Jindun Stone Industry
About us
contact us
Name: Wuhan Jindun Stone Industry
Address: Inside the Railway Machinery Group, Hongshan District, Wuhan
Main products
Marble, quartz stone, cultural stone. artificial stone
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