Sales Department of Beijing Jinhaixin Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Class II pressure vessel; Class II low and medium pressure vessels; Class III low and medium pressure vessels; Welding battery; Sales of mechanical and electronic equipment; Boiler and accessories; steel products; Technical training; Technical consultation;


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Company Information

  • Sales Department of Beijing Jinhaixin Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Enterprise type: limited liability company
  • Main>Products: Class III pressure vessels; Class II low and medium pressure vessels; Class III low and medium pressure vessels; Welding battery; Sales of mechanical and electronic equipment; Boiler and accessories; steel products; Technical training; Technical consultation;
  • Company address: Beijing Pinggu Village, Jinhai Lake Town, Pinggu District, Beijing
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Introduction to Sales Department of Beijing Jinhaixin Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Company Introduction
 Honest cooperation

Beijing Jinhaixin Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Co., Ltd., founded in 1975, is located in the east of the capital, near the scenic Jinhai Lake, a tourist area. It is a manufacturing base for pressure vessels and cryogenic equipment. The company has the following manufacturing qualification and installation qualification levels: Class A2 pressure vessels, Class II low and medium pressure vessels, Class III low and medium pressure vessels C3 filling container GCI is limited to gas filling, and the pressure pipeline on the air separation unit is specially installed. View details

Business Information

Business information
  • Sales Department of Beijing Jinhaixin Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Class II pressure vessel; Class II low and medium pressure vessels; Class III low and medium pressure vessels; Welding battery; Sales of mechanical and electronic equipment; Boiler and accessories; steel products; Technical training; Technical consultation;
  • Beijing Pinggu
  • Class II pressure vessel; Class II low and medium pressure vessels; Class III low and medium pressure vessels; Welding battery; Sales of mechanical and electronic equipment; Boiler and accessories; steel products; Technical training; Technical consultation;
  • limited company
  • long-term
Enterprise directory » Pinggu Enterprise Directory » List of Pinggu Chemical Enterprises » Sales Department of Beijing Jinhaixin Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Co., Ltd
About us
contact us
Name: Sales Department of Beijing Jinhaixin Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Address: Zhangzuo Village, Jinhaihu Town, Pinggu District, Beijing, Beijing
Main products
Class II pressure vessel; Class II low and medium pressure vessels; Class III low and medium pressure vessels; Welding battery; Sales of mechanical and electronic equipment; Boiler and accessories; steel products; Technical training; Technical consultation;
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