
    The new Tesla Roadster can fly at 400 kilometers per hour

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     The new Tesla Roadster can fly at 400 kilometers per hour

    According to the report of Tramway Home, Tesla CEO Mask sent a message on the design platform that the new Tesla Roadster can fly. This new car is expected to accelerate 0-60 mph in 1 second, and its 0-96 km/h acceleration time will not exceed 1 second.

    According to Sawyer Merritt's post on the X platform, the appearance of the new Roadster is very sporty, the body is low, and it is expected to have a good low drag coefficient. The vehicle has smooth lines, adopts a slip back tail design, and is equipped with an electric tail.

    In terms of interior decoration, the new Roadster is equipped with a half width steering wheel and sports seats. The screen of the center console has been redesigned and laid diagonally in front of the central armrest.

    In terms of power system, the maximum peak torque of the vehicle is 10000N · m, and it has a range of 992km. Its maximum speed can reach 400km/h.

    Musk said: "The flight here should mean flying close to the ground." That is to say, it can reach half the speed of ordinary high-speed trains, which is amazing.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The new Tesla Roadster can fly at 400 kilometers per hour true report six hundred and twenty-two According to the report of Tramway Home, Tesla CEO Mask sent a message on the design platform that the new Tesla Roadster can fly. This new car is expected to accelerate 0-60 mph in 1 second, and its 0-96 km/h acceleration time will not exceed 1 second. According to Sawyer Merritt's post on the X platform, the appearance of the new Roadster is very sporty, the body is low and
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