
    What a pity! Nissan GT-R may stop production

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

    According to media reports, Nissan GT-R is about to stop selling in the North American market. This model code named R35 will be withdrawn from the market in October, although this may be a regional behavior, and its global production suspension has not been announced. Nevertheless, Nissan is looking forward to the future, which indicates that a new era of performance innovation is coming.

    Nissan executives previously disclosed that the next generation GT-R is under active development and is expected to appear in the form of electric vehicles. This electric GT-R will showcase Nissan's latest achievements in electric vehicle technology, including solid state battery technology. Considering that Nissan plans to launch solid-state battery technology in 2028, the electric GT-R may have to wait four years.

    In addition, Nissan demonstrated the Hyper Force concept car, which indicates the design direction of the new generation GT-R with its exaggerated shape and carbon fiber body. The concept car focuses on lightweight and low wind resistance, and is equipped with laser radar and supports AR and VR technology to provide the driver with immersive virtual driving experience.

    The Hyper Force concept car is equipped with Nissan e-4ORCE electric four-wheel drive system, and the maximum output power is expected to reach 1000 kW (about 1360 hp). The vehicle also provides R (racing) and GT (luxury travel) modes to meet different driving requirements.

    For consumers, these news means that they will soon enjoy more exciting automotive products. Nissan is also working hard to develop more advanced technology and design to meet market demand and prepare for the future.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: What a pity! Nissan GT-R may stop production true report eight hundred and eighty-nine According to media reports, Nissan GT-R is about to stop selling in the North American market. This model code named R35 will be withdrawn from the market in October, although this may be a regional behavior, and its global production suspension has not been announced. Nevertheless, Nissan is looking forward to the future, which indicates that a new era of performance innovation is coming. Nissan executives have previously disclosed that the next generation GT-R is under active development and is expected to be bright in the form of electric vehicles
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