
    Audi A4L Bare Car Price Enters the Era of "One Word" BMW i3 Electric Vehicle Prices Cut Significantly

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     Audi A4L Bare Car Price Enters the Era of "One Word" BMW i3 Electric Vehicle Prices Cut Significantly

    With the rapid development of domestic new energy vehicles, luxury brands such as Audi, BMW and Mercedes Benz are facing unprecedented impact. In order to meet this challenge, these brands have launched unprecedented preferential policies. In particular, the price of BMW i3 pure electric vehicle has been greatly reduced in this price reduction. At the same time, the price of Audi A4L fuel vehicles has entered the era of "one word".

    It is understood that the price of the Audi A4L naked car, which was originally sold for 321800 cars, has fallen below the 200000 mark, starting at just over 190000, officially entering the era of 100000. In this regard, some people think that it may be that Audi A4L has been labeled as a "poor car" because of its more affordable price, and they are worried that its hedge ratio is also low. However, in the current competitive market environment, buyers are relatively insensitive to price.

    Industry insiders generally believe that under the impact of domestic independent brands, luxury brands have lost their former glory. Nevertheless, in the field of new energy vehicles, luxury brands still occupy a certain market share and are constantly trying new technologies and innovations to maintain competitiveness. Therefore, consumers should look at the relationship between price and brand rationally, and it is the most important to choose a suitable model.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Audi A4L Bare Car Price Enters the Era of "One Word" BMW i3 Electric Vehicle Prices Cut Significantly true report seven hundred and forty-five With the rapid development of domestic new energy vehicles, luxury brands such as Audi, BMW and Mercedes Benz are facing unprecedented impact. In order to meet this challenge, these brands have launched unprecedented preferential policies. In particular, the price of BMW i3 pure electric vehicle has been greatly reduced in this price reduction. At the same time, the price of Audi A4L fuel vehicles has entered the era of "one word". It is understood that the original meaning is
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