
    Zhiji L6 Max long endurance European model configuration, full open function, all series standard configuration

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     Zhiji L6 Max long endurance European model configuration, full open function, all series standard configuration

    On May 27, Zhiji Auto released relevant information about the latest intelligent electric vehicle L6. In response to consumers' questions about the additional configuration after the launch of L6, the official answered them in detail.

    It is reported that after the launch of L6, we received feedback from users. Users in the north believe that the ternary lithium battery can provide more stable performance in cold winter; Users who often use fast charging piles pay close attention to the 800V ultra fast charging platform. In addition, some new generation of young people who focus on practical benefits hope to have three core functions of 800V, long endurance and advanced automatic driving (AD) at a lower cost. Therefore, in the fastest time, we launched the L6 Max long endurance European model, which is equipped with all high-end technology configurations.

    It is worth mentioning that this version will also be the global car standard configuration in the European market. In consideration of local regulations, consumer usage habits and other factors, we have adjusted the relevant configuration. Zhiji Automobile hopes to achieve a win-win situation between Chinese and European consumers through truly high-quality products and more competitive prices.

    So why is the European L6 not equipped with leather seats? According to the consumption insight report of the European market, European consumers prefer fabric or synthetic leather seats. Therefore, the European version of the long endurance car adopts a skin friendly material - super soft skin sensitive leather. This leather is excellent in appearance, touch and durability. If you are interested, you can also go to the store to experience it personally.

    The above is a detailed description of the new configuration of Zhiji L6 and the European market. Thank you for reading!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Zhiji L6 Max long endurance European model configuration, full open function, all series standard configuration true report nine hundred and seventy On May 27, Zhiji Auto released relevant information about the latest intelligent electric vehicle L6. In response to consumers' questions about the additional configuration after the launch of L6, the official answered them in detail. It is reported that after the launch of L6, we received feedback from users. Users in the north believe that the ternary lithium battery can provide more stable performance in cold winter; Users who often use fast charging piles are very concerned about the 800V ultra
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