
    140000 Nezha L electronic version pre-sales opened

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     140000 Nezha L electronic version pre-sales opened

    Recently, Nezha Auto announced the pre-sale of its pure electric model Nezha L. The pre-sale price of new cars starts from 140000 yuan, and the Nezha power on coupon of 1000 yuan can be obtained through 9.9 yuan. It is expected that the Nezha L pure electric version will be officially launched in late June and delivered in July.

    In terms of appearance, Nezha L adopts simple lines and an X-shaped front face layout. The combination of the headlamp set and the triangular air inlet creates a sharp and delicate visual effect. The double color matching on the side of the car body, the smoked black roof, the raised waistline and the "wind fire wheel" shaped wheel rim all emphasize the dynamic and vitality of this model. The through tail lamp design at the rear and the addition of the spoiler further enhance the sportiness.

    In terms of configuration, Nezha L's pure electric version provides an encircled cockpit layout, equipped with two 15.6-inch large screens, the central control screen extends to the co pilot position, and is equipped with Qualcomm 8155P chip, bringing users a smooth audio-visual entertainment experience. The interior is in light colors, the seats are designed with diamond patterns, and the headrests are decorated with Nezha's logo.

    In terms of driving assistance system, Nezha L pure electric version includes NETA AD automatic parking aid and 50m tracking reversing function, and supports full range voice control. In addition, Nezha L also provides a unique configuration - independent 6.6L capacity that can freeze ice cream compress Machine refrigerator.

    In terms of power, Nezha L pure electric version provides a single motor version, with a maximum power of 180kW and a maximum torque of 310N · m. The 68kWh Shenxing L series lithium iron carbonate battery supports a maximum endurance of 510km. In terms of fast charging, it only takes 21 minutes to charge from 10% to 80%.

    Since the launch of the extended range model in late April, Nezha L has ordered more than 30000 sets, of which 95% are high-end models. This data reflects consumers' recognition and expectation of Nezha L model. We are looking forward to how Nezha L's pure electronic version will perform after its launch.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: 140000 Nezha L electronic version pre-sales opened true report one thousand one hundred and fifty-two Recently, Nezha Auto announced the pre-sale of its pure electric model Nezha L. The pre-sale price of new cars starts from 140000 yuan, and the Nezha power on coupon of 1000 yuan can be obtained through 9.9 yuan. It is expected that the Nezha L pure electric version will be officially launched in late June and delivered in July. In terms of appearance, Nezha L adopts simple lines and an X-shaped front face layout. The combination of the headlamp set and the triangular air inlet creates a
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