
    Small SUV Kia Sonai has been launched! Equipped with dual screen and 1.5L naturally aspirated engine

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

     Small SUV Kia Sonai has been launched! Equipped with dual screen and 1.5L naturally aspirated engine

    Recently, Kia Sonai, a small SUV, was officially launched. The price of new cars ranges from 91900 to 100900, and two models are available. The appearance design of Sonai is sporty and fashionable. The front face adopts narrow banner grille and 7-shaped light set, matched with trapezoidal air inlet, which is highly recognizable and dynamic. The proportion of the side of the car body is coordinated, the fender is convex, and the large wheel hub shows a sense of strength. In terms of interior decoration, Sonnai has continued the family style design style, the central control layout is simple, and is equipped with a suspended dual screen and common physical keys. Intelligent driving assistance and other functions are complete. In terms of power, it is equipped with a 1.5L naturally aspirated engine G4FL produced by Jiangsu Yueda Kia Automobile Co., Ltd., and the maximum power can reach 84.7kW.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Small SUV Kia Sonai has been launched! Equipped with dual screen and 1.5L naturally aspirated engine true report four hundred and thirty-seven Recently, Kia Sonai, a small SUV, was officially launched. The price of new cars ranges from 91900 to 100900, and two models are available. The appearance design of Sonai is sporty and fashionable. The front face adopts narrow banner grille and 7-shaped light set, matched with trapezoidal air inlet, which is highly recognizable and dynamic. The proportion of the side of the car body is coordinated, the fender is convex, and the large wheel hub shows a sense of strength. In terms of interior decoration, Sonai has continued
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