
    Audi owners are harassed by "pop-up window"! Official response

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

    After the expiration of Audi owner Mr. Li's Internet service, a "renewal reminder" will pop up every time the vehicle is started. Although this service was originally a three-year free service given away by the Audi manufacturer, Mr. Li decided not to renew it because he thought the function was limited and expensive. However, after the service expires, the pop-up window is always displayed and affects the display of the reversing image. Since the original car store has been withdrawn, Mr. Li can only contact the Audi manufacturer to solve the problem. According to the customer service, the pop-up window is generated due to the expiration of the service, and can be closed for a single time but not permanently.

    This phenomenon has aroused people's attention to traffic safety and the intrusion of advertising traffic. With the improvement of automobile's new energy and intelligence, vehicle engine system has become one of the important carriers for commercial promotion and other exploration and attempts. However, while pursuing interests, the automobile industry also needs to pay attention to its own responsibilities. Both advertising and other information push and operation must be based on security.

    The People's Daily commented that "safety is above everything. At any time, business interests should not be placed above user safety. Strictly abiding by the safety bottom line and taking care of user experience is the performance of truly caring for car owners." Therefore, the automotive industry needs to work together to provide a selective interface in regulating the pop-up window of the central control screen, When users freely choose whether to receive pop-up ads, manufacturers cannot use pop-up ads to safeguard the vital interests of car owners.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Audi owners are harassed by "pop-up window"! Official response true report eight hundred and ninety After the expiration of Audi owner Mr. Li's Internet service, a "renewal reminder" will pop up every time the vehicle is started. Although this service was originally a three-year free service given away by the Audi manufacturer, Mr. Li decided not to renew it because he thought the function was limited and expensive. However, after the service expires, the pop-up window is always displayed and affects the display of the reversing image. Since the original car store has been closed, Li
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