
    From January to April 2024, China imported 210000 cars, down 8% year on year

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     From January to April 2024, China imported 210000 cars, down 8% year on year

    According to the report of Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the Passenger Transport Association, China's automobile import volume from January to April 2024 is 210000, down 8% year on year. This downward trend continues the downward trend of China's imported vehicles since 2017. From the peak of 1.24 million vehicles in 2017, it continues to decline at an average annual rate of about 8%, and has dropped to 800000 vehicles by 2023. It is worth noting that in the structure of imported vehicles, passenger vehicles dominate, while new energy vehicles still occupy a relatively small proportion.

    Although the overall trend of imported fuel vehicles is declining, luxury brands such as Lexus, BMW, Audi and Land Rover are showing a strong growth trend. In contrast, imported cars of joint venture brands have shrunk rapidly. Imported cars of Toyota, Volkswagen, Subaru and other brands have shrunk significantly.

    The electrification transformation of China's automobile industry has changed the structure of market demand, leading to the continuous contraction of the demand for fuel vehicles, which has driven the decline of the demand for imported fuel vehicles. Therefore, it is more important to establish more import models in the future to maintain a reasonable scale of imported vehicles. At the same time, on a global scale, with the increasing complexity of international relations, more import models need to be established in advance to ensure the stable scale of the imported car market.

    The development of the automobile industry is affected by many factors, including market demand, policies and regulations, and economic situation. For the change of automobile import volume, it is necessary to further observe and analyze the market dynamics and the change of related factors. However, with the growing strength of China's automobile industry and the promotion of electrification transformation, it can be predicted that the demand of Chinese consumers for high-performance and luxury models will continue to increase in the future.

    To sum up, in the current domestic consumption environment, although China's automobile industry faces many challenges and uncertainties, there are still some positive factors worth our attention: first, the scale of the new energy vehicle market continues to expand; Secondly, luxury brands and imported cars have huge market potential; Finally, the global trade environment has developed steadily. All these factors will help promote the development of China's automobile industry and bring consumers better choices.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: From January to April 2024, China imported 210000 cars, down 8% year on year true report one thousand two hundred and eighty-three According to the report of Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the Passenger Transport Association, China's automobile import volume from January to April 2024 is 210000, down 8% year on year. This downward trend continues the downward trend of China's imported vehicles since 2017. From the peak of 1.24 million vehicles in 2017, it continues to decline at an average annual rate of about 8%, and has dropped to 800000 vehicles by 2023. It is worth noting that in the structure of imported cars, passenger cars occupy the leading position, while the new
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