
    Zhang Yong, CEO of Nezha Automobile: Nezha L will be compensated 50 yuan per day if it fails to deliver for more than 30 days

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     Zhang Yong, CEO of Nezha Automobile: Nezha L will be compensated 50 yuan per day for not delivering more than 30 days

    Recently, Zhang Yong, CEO of Nezha Automobile, said in a video that the proportion of red clothes version after the launch of vehicles exceeded 95%, which led to huge pressure on the production supply system and delay in delivery. In order to solve this problem, Zhang Yong proposed the following solutions: First, in the case of no delivery for more than 30 days, users will be compensated 50 yuan a day for their travel expenses, up to a maximum of 3000 yuan, and compensation policies will be published on the App. Secondly, under the condition of limited production capacity of Michelin tires, molds are being added to ensure the use of domestic tires instead of imported tires, and it is promised that Michelin tires will be replaced free of charge within six months. In addition, if users of the red clothes edition choose to accept domestic tires as substitutes, they will be given the delivered domestic tires as gifts.

    It is reported that Nezha L is built based on Shanhai 2.0 platform, and the extended range model has been delivered since May 10. The price range is 1299-159900 yuan. The 310 flash charging version will be launched in August at a price of 129900 yuan; 310 Flash charging PRO version will be launched in August, with a price of 136900 yuan; The 310 flash red version will be available at the end of August. At the same time, pure electric models (510 flash charging, 510 flash charging PRO and 510 flash charging in red) will also be launched. This model will be launched at the end of June, and the official price will be announced. Then batch delivery began in July.

    It is worth mentioning that Zhang Yong once bowed deeply at the first delivery site of Nezha L, expressed his thanks to the owners and opened the doors for each owner.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Zhang Yong, CEO of Nezha Automobile: Nezha L will be compensated 50 yuan per day if it fails to deliver for more than 30 days true report eight hundred and seventy-nine Recently, Zhang Yong, CEO of Nezha Automobile, said in a video that the proportion of red clothes version after the launch of vehicles exceeded 95%, which led to huge pressure on the production supply system and delay in delivery. In order to solve this problem, Zhang Yong proposed the following solution: First, in the case of no delivery for more than 30 days, the user will be compensated 50 yuan of transportation fee per day, with a maximum of 3000 yuan, and the compensation policy will be published on the App
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