
    Develop a new platform and upgrade SAIC Volkswagen Anting factory

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

    SAIC Volkswagen Anting production base started to upgrade, and the 17 billion yuan new energy vehicle factory was officially put into production. Previously, SAIC Group and Audi Automobile announced that they would jointly develop a new platform "Advanced Digital Platform" focusing on the Chinese market, and jointly develop a number of high-end intelligent electric new cars for SAIC Audi.

    According to the cooperation agreement, the two sides are integrating advantageous resources, jointly developing a series of electric vehicles, and reducing the launch time of advanced digital platform intelligent digital platform models by more than 30%. The models of the cooperation project will cover the Class B and Class C markets, and the first product is expected to be officially launched in 2025.

    At present, a joint project management team based on this cooperation has been established, and Ferm í n Soneira from Audi will serve as CEO to lead and promote cooperation. He was previously the head of electric vehicle series in Audi AG's A-C market segments, and has 25 years of work experience in Volkswagen Group.

    This cooperation marks the deep cooperation between SAIC Volkswagen and Audi in the field of new energy vehicles, which will further promote the innovative development of China's electric vehicle market. At the same time, it also means that consumers are expected to enjoy high-quality and intelligent electric vehicle products and services more quickly.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Develop a new platform and upgrade SAIC Volkswagen Anting factory true report seven hundred and ninety SAIC Volkswagen Anting production base started to upgrade, and the 17 billion yuan new energy vehicle factory was officially put into production. Previously, SAIC Group and Audi Automobile announced that they would jointly develop a new platform "Advanced Digital Platform" focusing on the Chinese market, and jointly develop a number of high-end intelligent electric new cars for SAIC Audi. According to the cooperation agreement, the two sides are integrating their advantages
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