
    Tesla Cyber off-road station wagon has another problem. The decorative panel is blown away when driving at high speed

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

     Tesla Cyber off-road station wagon has another problem. The decorative panel is blown away when driving at high speed

    Recently, an overseas Tesla Cyber off-road touring car owner revealed on social media that the decorative panel next to the cargo box at the rear of his car was blown off at high speed. The picture shows that the entire trim strip on both sides of the electric door of the cargo box disappears completely, and the internal body skeleton can be seen. In terms of details, these decorative panels may be installed in the form of hooks.

    In the owner's comment area, many other owners agree with this situation and mention that this location is really prone to problems. Some car owners even reported that they saw these parts sway during driving.

    What's more surprising is that the decorative cover plate at the same position on the other side suddenly disappeared after the owner posted it. Many other car owners also shared cases of similar problems with their vehicles in the comment area. For example, the trim panel on the A-pillar is bent and deformed.

    Tesla is famous for its rugged appearance, and some people also emphasize that its corners are slightly prickly. Some overseas bloggers even showed a video that showed its powerful power when pressing carrots with the electric front compartment of the Cyber off-road station wagon.

    However, in order to facilitate installation, many parts of Tesla's body can be removed in one piece. In case of a traffic accident, the panel on one side can be replaced directly.

    Source: Changyan CY

    For more information, please refer to: car smell

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Tesla Cyber off-road station wagon has another problem. The decorative panel is blown away when driving at high speed true report seven hundred and ninety-nine Recently, an overseas Tesla Cyber off-road touring car owner revealed on social media that the decorative panel next to the cargo box at the rear of his car was blown off at high speed. The picture shows that the entire trim strip on both sides of the electric door of the cargo box disappears completely, and the internal body skeleton can be seen. In terms of details, these decorative panels may be installed in the form of hooks. In the owner's comment area, many other owners
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