
    Five years later! This event, return to China!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     Five years later! This event, return to China!

    A month ago, the World Formula One Championship caused a sensation in Shanghai. Now, the FE Formula Electric Championship has returned to China after five years, bringing a race feast to the audience from May 25 to 26. Unlike fuel vehicles, the roar of electric vehicles' motors is sharp and harsh. Even so, in the 45 minutes and 29 laps of the race, you can still feel the tense and exciting atmosphere.

    Ten years ago, the first FE electric formula race kicked off in Beijing street race. At that time, the speed of electric vehicles was slow and the range was short. After 20 minutes of the race, they had to stop and change. The maximum speed of the car was only 225 km/h. However, in the past decade, the iteration of electric drive technology has continuously promoted the progress of the industry.

    Jeff Dodds said: "At that time, the battery could only last half of the race. Therefore, drivers had to change from one car to another to complete the race." But now the battery of participating vehicles can last for the whole race. "Drivers can drive at full speed for up to an hour in the race without charging at all."

    It is worth mentioning that China's new energy vehicle market is catching up. Doz said: "FE electric equation currently has nearly 400 million fans in the world, including 100 million in China." He believed that China would become a key market for the growth of electric vehicles and one of the world's leading electric vehicle manufacturers.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Five years later! This event, return to China! true report eight hundred and fifty-three A month ago, the World Formula One Championship caused a sensation in Shanghai. Now, the FE Formula Electric Championship has returned to China after five years, bringing a race feast to the audience from May 25 to 26. Unlike fuel vehicles, the roar of electric vehicles' motors is sharp and harsh. Even so, in the 45 minutes and 29 laps of the race, you can still feel the tense and exciting atmosphere
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