
    Shenzhen's application for relaxing the new energy vehicle indicators to promote "old for new" vehicles accounted for more than 24%

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury

    The Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce recently released the Action Plan of Shenzhen to Promote the Trade in of Consumer Goods, aiming to promote the consumption growth of the city through a series of measures. According to the plan, by 2024, the growth rate of total retail sales of social consumer goods will exceed 7%, the annual increase of retail sales of automobiles above the quota will reach more than 10 billion yuan, and at the same time, more than 30 new automobile sales enterprises will be warehoused.

    Specifically, in order to expand the consumption of new energy vehicles, the Scheme cancels the social security limit for non Shenzhen registered persons to apply for the incremental indicator of new energy cars, and relaxes the conditions for individuals to apply for the incremental indicator of hybrid cars with only one car registered in Shenzhen. In addition, it will continue and optimize the tax relief policy for new energy vehicle purchase.

    In terms of supporting facilities, the Plan refers to improving the construction of supporting facilities for new energy vehicles. The construction of the "overcharge city" aims to provide a service system of overcharge facilities with global leading technology and multiple scenarios, and promote the number of charging posts in the fast charging stations in the expressway service area to further increase to solve problems such as difficult charging and parking. In addition, the Plan also reduces the cost of electricity for new energy vehicles and improves the ability of socialized maintenance services for new energy vehicles.

    As for the elimination and scrapping of old cars, the Plan points out that the subsidy policy of the Ministry of Commerce for the renewal of end-of-life cars will be used for management and implementation, and administrative means and traffic restriction measures will be comprehensively used to eliminate diesel trucks, passenger cars and non-standard commercial vehicles in violation of the national emission standards of the third and lower level according to laws and regulations. By 2025, all vehicles with national emission standards of III and below will be basically eliminated.

    Finally, in terms of promoting the trade in of old cars for new cars, the Program mentioned the implementation of automobile consumption festivals and corresponding support for the purchase of new cars to encourage consumers to actively participate in this activity. At the same time, battery recycling enterprises and new energy vehicle manufacturing enterprises are encouraged to simultaneously build standardized power battery recycling service outlets through self construction, joint construction, authorization and other ways to guide power batteries into standardized recycling enterprises.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Shenzhen's application for relaxing the new energy vehicle indicators to promote "old for new" vehicles accounted for more than 24% true report one thousand two hundred and thirty-six The Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce recently released the Action Plan of Shenzhen to Promote the Trade in of Consumer Goods, aiming to promote the consumption growth of the city through a series of measures. According to the plan, by 2024, the growth rate of total retail sales of social consumer goods will exceed 7%, the annual increase of retail sales of automobiles above the quota will reach more than 10 billion yuan, and at the same time, more than 30 new automobile sales enterprises will be warehoused. Specifically, in order to expand new energy steam
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