
    The sales volume of Chang'an Mazda from January to April increased by 75.6% year on year

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     The sales volume of Chang'an Mazda from January to April increased by 75.6% year on year

    Chang'an Mazda recently announced that its terminal retail sales increased by 75.6% year on year from January to April this year. In response to the national "old for new" policy, the company again optimized the car purchase benefits. Consumers can get a comprehensive discount of up to 23000 yuan when purchasing a designated model. At the same time, consumers who have left money in the official broadcast room have the opportunity to draw up to 30000 yuan of car tickets.

    Chang'an Mazda also provides corresponding preferential policies for replacement users and installment car buyers. Users who trade in specific models can enjoy a corporate replacement subsidy of 10000 yuan and a national replacement subsidy of 7000 yuan, while medical workers especially enjoy a special subsidy of up to 4000 yuan when purchasing cars. In addition, installment car buyers can also obtain financial subsidies worth 5000 yuan when purchasing specific models.

    In addition to the preferential policies for car purchase, Chang'an Mazda also launched a new pure electric vehicle Mazda EZ-6. The car will be launched in the second half of the year. At present, Chang'an Mazda mainly sells three models: CX-50 and 2.0L.

    In a word, Chang'an Mazda has provided a wealth of preferential policies and high-quality vehicle models for car purchase. No matter you are a trade in user, installment purchase user or pure electric vehicle user, you can find a suitable model in Chang'an Mazda and enjoy affordable prices.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The sales volume of Chang'an Mazda from January to April increased by 75.6% year on year true report seven hundred and seventy-seven Chang'an Mazda recently announced that its terminal retail sales increased by 75.6% year on year from January to April this year. In response to the national "old for new" policy, the company again optimized the car purchase benefits. Consumers can get a comprehensive discount of up to 23000 yuan when purchasing a designated model. At the same time, consumers who have left money in the official broadcast room have the opportunity to draw up to 30000 yuan of car tickets. For replacement users and installment car buyers
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