
    Huawei official declared that the S7 began to deliver with a highly scientific appearance

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     Huawei official declared that the S7 began to deliver with a highly scientific appearance

    Recently, Yu Chengdong announced on his personal social platform that Wisdom S7 has started large-scale delivery. These new cars have left the production line and are being sent to consumers. He said that they would give more Intelligencer S7 to consumers as soon as possible.

    Zhijie S7 is the "Jiejie" series model jointly developed by Chery and Huawei. It will be officially launched in November 2023, with the official guidance price ranging from 249800 yuan to 349800 yuan. It is understood that the new Smart S7 will be officially launched on April 8.

    The design style of this new model adopts a streamlined car body and a sense of future technology. The front face is equipped with through daytime running lights and internal matrix LED headlamp sets, and downward extensions are designed on both sides. The top of the car body is equipped with a laser radar device, and the rear part outlines a dynamic back sliding shape. The new car also adopts frameless door design, concealed door handle and double five piece smoked rim.

    In terms of interior decoration, the new car adopts a rugby inspired oval steering wheel and a gearshift mechanism, and is equipped with a 12.3-inch full LCD dashboard and a 15.6-inch suspended central control screen. In addition, Zhijie S7 also integrates Hongmeng OS 4 car system, dual 50W wireless fast charging and other functions.

    In terms of power, Zhijie S7 provides rear drive single motor and four-wheel drive dual motor modes. Among them, the maximum power of the rear drive is 215 kW, and the peak torque is 679 N · m; The maximum power of the 4WD version is 365kW, and the peak torque is 679N · m. In terms of battery, Zhijie S7 is equipped with battery packs with capacity of 62kWh, 82kWh and 100kWh respectively, and the range can reach 550km, 630km, 705km and 855km.

    In retrospect, in terms of appearance design, Zhijie S7 has created a sense of youth and fashion as a whole and also expressed an atmosphere of future science and technology. The front face is equipped with through daytime running lights and internal matrix LED headlamp sets, and downward extensions are designed on both sides.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Huawei official declared that the S7 began to deliver with a highly scientific appearance true report one thousand one hundred and forty-three Recently, Yu Chengdong announced on his personal social platform that Wisdom S7 has started large-scale delivery. These new cars have left the production line and are being sent to consumers. He said that they would give more Intelligencer S7 to consumers as soon as possible. Zhijie S7 is the "Jiejie" series model cooperated by Chery and Huawei. It will be officially launched in November 2023, with the official guidance price range of 249800 yuan to 3000 yuan
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