
    New Audi S3 real car picture released: too high appearance

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     New Audi S3 real car picture released: too high appearance

    New Audi S3 Pictures and videos of real cars will be officially released, and they are expected to appear in 2025. This model will be available in three compartment and two compartment versions.

    It can be seen from the released video that the new car is covered with official stickers, but its design details are still clearly visible. The front face has become more robust, the internal structure of the headlights has also been adjusted, and the front surround has become more dynamic.

    The lines on the side of the car body are consistent with those of the old model, the waist line is still smooth and dynamic, and the tire size is still large.

    The design of the rear of the vehicle has also been redesigned. The internal structure of the tail lamp adopts a matrix design, with good visual effect. A small diffuser is added to the rear enclosure to make it more sporty. The exhaust system is still arranged in two sides and four directions.

    In terms of interior decoration, the new car basically continues the design style of the old model, and the interior structure of the full LCD dashboard has been completely redesigned. However, while retaining some physical keys, the overall atmosphere is still simple and lively.

    As for power performance, the new Audi S3 is equipped with an optimized and upgraded 2.0T engine, with a maximum power of 245 kW and a peak torque of 420 Nm. The acceleration time of 0-100 km/h is only 4.7 seconds, and the maximum speed can reach 250 km/h.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: New Audi S3 real car picture released: too high appearance true report seven hundred and fifty-three The pictures and videos of the new Audi S3 real car were officially released and are expected to be unveiled in 2025. This model will be available in three compartment and two compartment versions. It can be seen from the released video that the new car is covered with official stickers, but its design details are still clearly visible. The front face has become more robust, the internal structure of the headlights has also been adjusted, and the front surround has become more dynamic. The lines on the side of the car body and the old
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