
    Interworld M9 is officially launched, the final form of HUAWEI ARHUD adult computer interaction!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: A melon eater

    It is a natural demand for consumers to pay attention to safety in their subconsciousness to control all information about cars during driving. This forces automobile enterprises to continuously adopt innovative technology to improve the human-computer interaction experience and truly meet the demands of consumers. The human-computer interaction scheme has been developing from simple physical buttons, instrument screens and segmented displays to HUD.

    Through the increasingly powerful HUD, the interaction between the car itself and consumers is at a more relaxed level. Especially when HUD evolves to the form of ARHUD, it is constantly breaking through the perception boundary along with innovative achievements, bringing safer driving experience and more interesting use experience.

     Interworld M9 is officially launched, the final form of HUAWEI ARHUD adult computer interaction!

    Among many ARHUD schemes with uneven quality, HUAWEI ARHUD is becoming the final form of human-computer interaction. On December 26, the technology flagship Interworld M9 was officially launched, with HUAWEI ARHUD for the first time, and demonstrated a number of powerful functions. The beyond imagination HUAWEI ARHUD appeared on Interworld M9, making the future come.

    People driving and smart driving are brilliant! HUAWEI ARHUD Shows His Skills

    HUD, which was first carried in military aircraft, has penetrated into the automobile industry with the development and extension of technology. The application of HUD in the automobile industry has gone through three stages of development - in the introduction period, the HUD technology is thin and the display information is limited; In the growing period, HUD is moving towards informatization and digitalization; In the period of rapid development, AR technology promotes HUD to become intelligent.

    These three development stages also correspond to the three forms of HUD - CHUD, WHUD and ARHUD. After three development stages and three generations of upgrades, HUD has continuously optimized its image quality, increased its information volume and enhanced its sense of science and technology.

    In particular, ARHUD is a new head up display technology, which has a large projection range and a large amount of information. It can better combine the data collected by ADAS to carry out scene fusion, and enhance the practicability and sense of technology of HUD through the superposition of digital images and real scenes. The HUAWEI ARHUD carried by the QJET M9, based on Huawei's more than 30 years of accumulated experience and technological innovation in the ICT field, is a leader in the same type of solutions.

     Interworld M9 is officially launched, the final form of HUAWEI ARHUD adult computer interaction!

    In terms of security, HUAWEI ARHUD has achieved the best. Huawei knows that the biggest demand of car owners during driving is to have complete control of road information. The HUAWEI ARHUD integrates the information obtained by the camera, radar, high-precision map and other vehicles, and then realizes arrow navigation, portrait guidance and other functions on the front windshield, marks the vehicle or person, and generates images in real time, so that the owner can more accurately master the judgment and recognition of the intelligent driving system on the external environment of the vehicle.

    To give a simple example, the driver's visual focus is generally 7 meters or more. However, the VID (visual information distance) of the WHUD is too close. When focusing to view the information, the driver's visual focus will be away from the driving road. However, when the vehicle owner focuses on the road, he or she will not be able to quickly obtain the WHUD information. At the same time, repeatedly switching the visual focus will make the driver tired and lead to certain potential safety hazards.

    The VID (visual information distance) of HUAWEI ARHUD is far more than 7 meters, which enables the driver's driving vision to be in the same focus with the ARHUD information. This allows the driver to easily obtain effective information without switching the focus, while also preventing fatigue. Through HUAWEI ARHUD, it can integrate multi-dimensional navigation information, lane line trend and other features, and project them to the front view, integrating with the environment, so that the owner can feel the most intuitive navigation information.

     Interworld M9 is officially launched, the final form of HUAWEI ARHUD adult computer interaction!

    In addition, HUAWEI ARHUD has the key capabilities of small size, large frame and ultra-high definition, which can really ensure the improvement of security. For example, in the human driving scenario, the HUAWEI ARHUD carried by QJYM9 has lane level AR navigation. This allows the car owner to get intuitive AR navigation that fits the road surface without looking down, greatly improving the travel efficiency and reducing the risk of blind driving caused by looking down at the navigation. It can be said that HUAWEI ARHUD can achieve efficient and accurate travel guidance, so that owners will never go wrong.

    In the intelligent driving scenario, HUAWEI ARHUD provides warning prompts that fit the real object, helping the car owner to perceive the danger sooner and earlier. This is to visualize the perception and decision-making process of intelligent driving, and enhance the confidence and security of the car owners in intelligent driving functions.

    It can be seen that the HUAWEI ARHUD, which showed its talents on the Interworld M9, has performed well in both human driving and intelligent driving. This not only improves safety, but also enables car owners to gradually trust and rely on intelligent driving, accelerating the development of intelligent driving to L4 level and above.

    Interesting! HUAWEI ARHUD Continuously Expands Entertainment

    Car companies will never stop pursuing high-quality interactive experience between people and cars. As a "dominant function" easily perceived by car owners and passengers, ARHUD has a high and obvious perception, and is full of science and technology. This naturally allows ARHUD to make a big contribution to the entertainment experience in addition to making efforts on the security level.

    Among them, HUAWEI ARHUD can bring full fun. From the perspective of form, HUAWEI ARHUD is the first screen of intelligent information integrating science and technology, safety and entertainment. This also means that entertainment is put in a very important position.

     Interworld M9 is officially launched, the final form of HUAWEI ARHUD adult computer interaction!

    Supported by powerful hardware, HUAWEI ARHUD makes entertainment experience soar. It is reported that the HUAWEI ARHUD, which is mounted on the Interworld M9, provides the best experience through five optical specifications.

    The five optical specifications mainly include: achieving the maximum visual angle of 13 ° * 5 ° for global mass production models, wider interface range and richer content; The screen resolution can reach 1920x730, providing the best experience with exquisite image quality; Up to 7 at a distance of 8.5 meters 5 inches Cinema level giant screen viewing frame; The maximum brightness can reach 12000 nits, which can provide a stable, clear and highlighted picture even in the noon strong light environment; Achieve 1200:1 contrast to ensure flexible and clear images.

    The entertainment experience brought by HUAWEI ARHUD focuses on the experience of watching movies on the 75 inch high-definition screen without bowing your head during charging and rest. Imagine how comfortable it is to have visual enjoyment in the living room of your home in the car. It was hard to imagine such a dreamy scene before.

    It can also be seen how powerful the HUAWEI ARHUD carried by QBE M9 is. HUAWEI ARHUD still has a lot of imagination space for entertainment expansion, waiting for the owner to take the initiative to make a new attempt.

    It is worth mentioning that in addition to HUAWEI ARHUD, the Interworld M9 also enables Huawei's "technology whole family bucket" on board. The HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, Turing intelligent chassis, HUAWEI XPIXEL intelligent headlights, HUAWEI DriveONE intelligent electric drive platform, HUAWEI xScene light field screen, HUAWEI ARHUD and many other black technologies have made Interworld M9 a worthy "technology flagship".

     Interworld M9 is officially launched, the final form of HUAWEI ARHUD adult computer interaction!

    On December 26, Interworld M9 was officially launched, only two days after its launch, and Dading has exceeded 20000 units. For the real test drive experience it will bring, people are really waiting for it.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Interworld M9 is officially launched, the final form of HUAWEI ARHUD adult computer interaction! true report four thousand two hundred and seventy-eight It is a natural demand for consumers to pay attention to safety in their subconsciousness to control all information about cars during driving. This forces automobile enterprises to continuously adopt innovative technology to improve the human-computer interaction experience and truly meet the demands of consumers. The human-computer interaction scheme has been developing from simple physical buttons, instrument screens and segmented displays to HUD. Through the increasingly powerful HUD
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