Zhonggong Entertainment

Trade unions at all levels in Huainan organized activities to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-11 15:39

Recently, trade unions at all levels in Huainan City, Anhui Province carried out a series of activities with the theme of "Caring for New Business with Care and Warming the Posthouse for the Dragon Boat Festival" at the trade union post.

Trade unions at all levels in the city organize workers in new business types to carry out activities such as making dumplings, making sachets, throwing pots, and visiting gardens. The volunteers of the trade union also sent the top lunch condolences to the workers of the new business type and extended holiday wishes to them. At the activity site, there were lots of laughter and laughter, and everyone actively participated in it. We had a happy and peaceful Dragon Boat Festival together.

This series of activities made the workers in the new business form feel the concern and care of the trade union for them. In the next step, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out new and colorful activities, truly put concern into action, and earnestly perform the duties of the trade union. (Wu Zhibin)

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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