Zhonggong Entertainment

Cangzhou Yunhe District Federation of Trade Unions launched the theme activity of "Zongqing Dragon Boat Festival, cool midsummer"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-07 13:41

CAMCE News On June 6, the Federation of Trade Unions of Yunhe District, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province held an activity themed "Zongqing Dragon Boat Festival, cool midsummer" at the outdoor workers' post in Yuegang City to send care and condolences to the workers who stick to the frontline of high temperature.

At the event site, the staff and volunteers of the District Federation of Trade Unions distributed the zongzi and summer watermelon prepared in advance to the staff who came to participate in the event, to exchange cordially with everyone and share interesting things about work and life. The green rice dumplings convey the hot true feelings, and the sweet and refreshing watermelons bear the respect for the workers. At the same time, the volunteers also introduced the origin, history and cultural significance of the Dragon Boat Festival in detail, and elaborated on the folk customs related to the festival, so that the staff could not only cool down, but also have a deep understanding of the profound connotation of traditional festivals.

Through this theme activity, the trade union system's respect and recognition for workers and staff groups was conveyed, the people's deep understanding of traditional culture and strong self-confidence were enhanced, and the construction of social spiritual civilization was effectively promoted. Next, the District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out various and effective theme festival activities, effectively meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the majority of workers, and fully demonstrate the warm care from trade union organizations. (Liu Yujing)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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