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The Federation of Trade Unions of Lianchi District, Baoding City held a meeting to promote the certification of members of grassroots trade union organizations who should complete the construction and guarantee work and benefit

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-06 15:42

On June 5, the Federation of Trade Unions of Lianchi District, Baoding City, Hebei Province, held a meeting to promote the completion of the construction of grass-roots trade union organizations in Lianchi District and the certification of members of industry protection and universal benefits.

The meeting said that all grassroots trade unions should strengthen publicity and do the work of establishing and joining the association; We should learn from the work experience of advanced counties and districts, broaden our horizons, expand our thinking, and improve our work level; To ensure the authenticity and reliability of various data and improve the coverage of member certification; It is necessary to accurately master the basic information of trade union organizations and trade union members, and ensure that the information of members is accurate and complete.

The meeting conveyed the spirit of the provincial conference on promoting the centralized action of the grassroots unit construction association and the construction of grassroots trade unions, and reported the progress of the grassroots trade union organizations in the region in building and completing the construction and membership certification. (Edge Rui)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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