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Quality improvement and expansion of pilot work of "industrial reform" in Fuzhou

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-08-04 18:09

Recently, the Leading Group Office for Promoting the Construction and Reform of Industrial Workers in Fuzhou, Fujian Province issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Third Batch of Pilot Work for the Construction and Reform of Industrial Workers. Since 2020, the pilot work of "industrial reform" in Fuzhou has been extended from a few enterprises to leading enterprises in the industry. Up to now, two batches of 64 enterprises and institutions have participated in the pilot project. The pilot project involves industrial workers' support for innovation and efficiency creation, and many excellent experience cases have emerged.

The third batch of pilot work will expand the scope of pilot enterprises for industrial workers' team construction and reform throughout the city, and include all 428 enterprises and institutions participating in the pilot industry reform in 2022 into the scope of pilot enterprises. The pilot project will focus on strengthening and improving the ideological and political construction of industrial workers, building a skill formation system for industrial workers, and using the Internet to promote the construction of industrial workers' team 25 reform measures were launched in five aspects, including innovating the industrial worker development system and strengthening the support and guarantee for the construction of industrial workers.

"In order to effectively improve the effectiveness and operability of the 'industrial reform' work, the Municipal Industrial Reform Office will organize and carry out supervision work once every six months, sort out the problems found in the pilot in a timely manner, evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot implementation work in various regions, and continue to promote the formation of a new batch of replicable and promotable empirical practices." The relevant responsible person of Fuzhou Federation of Trade Unions said. (Fang Ting, Lin Ying)

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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