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BYD, the first Chinese brand to launch a UWB digital key, is another step ahead in intelligence

With the development of car intelligence, NFC, UWB and other car digital keys with mobile phones as carriers - this kind of intelligent access is replacing traditional car keys, making the inconvenience of using traditional keys a thing of the past. One mobile phone can easily unlock the vehicle, making the user experience more convenient
2023.12.05 ·

Two new black technologies! Xiaopeng G3/G3i Welcomes OTA Upgrade

With the increasing number of smart cars, they are facing the same problem as smart phones, that is, system upgrading for old models
2023.10.10 ·

Taking technological innovation as the base, modern power will be fully developed in the second half of the smart era

Technological innovation is always the moat that the brand is most worthy of relying on, whether in the era of fuel vehicles or new energy
2023.09.18 ·

14 new functions Xiaopeng P7 push a new version of OTA

Xiaopeng Auto officially launched the OTA upgrade of Xmart OS 2.12.0 for P7 owners. This is also the 24th time that Xiaopeng P7 has pushed the OTA upgrade of the whole vehicle since its launch and delivery
2023.09.01 · Xiaopeng P7·

Academician Chen Liquan, the "father of lithium batteries in China", praised that "cellular batteries" never spontaneously ignite

For the new energy vehicle industry, battery safety has always been a top priority topic. JAC Y has always adhered to the attitude of "not solving battery safety, we will not promote electric vehicles on a large scale"
2023.08.29 · JAC Honeycomb Battery·

Wang Hao, President of Tesla China, Global Entrepreneurs Summit Share Tesla's Entrepreneurship Story

We will jointly explore new opportunities for entrepreneurship and explore new trends in innovation. As an innovative enterprise in the field of electric vehicles, Wang Hao, president of Tesla China, was also invited to participate
2023.08.27 · Tesla · Entrepreneur · Technology·

Tesla will appear at the HICOOL 2023 Global Entrepreneurs Summit with a number of high technologies

Tesla will also bring its self innovated humanoid robot Optimus, OTA, FSD and other high-tech to the main venue of the Summit
2023.08.26 · Tesla Technology·

Five leading core technologies Nezha Auto released "Haozhi Technology Brand 2.0"

On the Science and Technology Day, Nezha Auto released "Haozhi Strategy 2025", bringing one of China's strongest technology platforms of the whole system - Haozhi Technology Brand 2.0, and making a one-time appearance in five leading technology product lineups - Haozhi Chaosuan, Haozhi Skateboard Chassis, Haozhi Electric Drive, Haozhi Extended Range and Haozhi Thermal Control
2023.08.22 · Nezha Auto · Technology · Haozhi·

Weilai will develop and mass produce autopilot chips

Drive China August 17, 2023: Bai Jian, Vice President of Weilai Auto Technology, said on Weibo that Weilai Auto will be able to mass produce its self-developed automatic driving (AD) chips within one to two years
2023.08.21 ·

ONE releases Aries II battery cell, which has a range of nearly 1000 kilometers in combination with Gemini

On August 15, Mujeeb Ijaz, founder and CEO of ONE, said at the media conference that the Aries II cell has greatly narrowed the performance gap between LFP and NCM
2023.08.17 ·

Smart driving experience advanced, Feifan pushed the OTA upgrade of the new generation smart AI system

Feifan R7 and F7 users have successively pushed a new generation of Feifan Jizhi AI system. This upgrade covers 22 new functions, including integrated remote parking and Leishi KTV, 43 function experience optimization, and also increases the number of high-speed pilot cities to 205
2023.07.25 · Feifan·

Ideal ONE ushered in OTA3.3 upgrade again. This upgrade is in two directions

Recently, the Ideal ONE has ushered in the OTA3.3 upgrade again, which includes intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving
2023.07.06 · Ideal ONE·

Launch a new generation of high-speed NGP Xiaopeng cars to push OTA upgrades

Recently, Xiaopeng Auto launched a new version of OTA - Xmart OS 4.3.0 to all Xiaopeng G9 and P7i models. In this version, the newly upgraded XNGP full scene intelligent auxiliary driving system is included
2023.07.06 · NGP · Xiaopeng Automobile·

OTA upgrade of polar krypton 001 new function will be pushed to users on July 5

From July 5, 2023, Polar Krypton ZEEKR will push the OTA upgrade of ZEEKR OS version 4.3 to Polar Krypton 001 users. In addition to the detailed experience of the media source switch button, the biggest highlight of the new version of the system is the addition of the ALC paddle lane changing function
2023.07.06 · Polar Krypton 001·

Multi function upgrade and optimization frigate 07 welcomes OTA upgrade

BYD frigate 07 ushers in a new OTA upgrade. This upgrade adds 11 new functions, and 21 functions are optimized, which will bring a more convenient experience for car use
2023.06.28 · BYD frigate·

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